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Show INVESTIGATE BUREAU SAYS Local Farm Organization I Calls Farmers' Attention to New Sugar Factory Suggestion that farmers Interested In the recently organized Pioneer Sug-I Sug-I ar company investigate the matter thoroughly, is contained In th follow-I follow-I inp statement, nppeoring In ihe current cur-rent lEStie of the Weber COuiity Farm Bureau News Bulletin: 'The Pioneer Simar company, which was recently organised by the farmers farm-ers of salt Lake county, Cache county and Ftah county, plan to purchase I the sugar factory at Hooper. V.'e un ! derstand that the organization and I stockholders are to be strictly farmers. farm-ers. The plan Is for eac h beet grower grow-er to subscribe slock In proportion to be number of acrss of beets grown. Representatives of this company are now in Welter county trying to sell stock In this company to our local farmers. In our opinion, befoie the farmer should obligate himself by tak-' tak-' ing stock In this enterprise, be should stop, consider, and Investigate: Is ii n nt.ictleal nrouosltlon for farmers to operate a sugar factory f ' Who are the men promoting the enteri rise .' "Specific iniormation on the trans-'fcr trans-'fcr and sale of the Hooper Sugar company com-pany to the friter-State Sugar company the present owners. "The proposed contracts nnd agreements agree-ments covering purchase of factory by farmers-should bi known. What are the charges for promoting? promot-ing? , What kind of a contract will the growers be required to sign for a long period of lime "Are the plans for operating anil financing fi-nancing sound 7 "The purchase and operation ejf a sugar factory by the farmers of this state may be a good proposition, not only to give the beet grower all of the profits above operating cost, hut Information In-formation on manufacture ot sugar can be had by IhO farmers from their own laboratories. That la provided, sufficient finances and efficient operation op-eration can le had. The farmer is u producer and has hud wry little experience ex-perience managing an enterprise I large as this. Consequently unusual precautions should be taken to make U a success." oo |