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Show IN MULL UIE FOB 2000 YEARS' This Is Go'd Prediction of Yale Scientist After Care-' Care-' ful Study. fN'. R. A. Staff Spec'.ili. XEV.' HAVEN, (tnn. IM, 2 If j science krejis (is present progress, wi'hin a ppmparatlvlv .-in t flme tn ivcr:i btlinnn life will 1-. ZOQQ ear.. j Kaldfl Dr K i; lie !.; innn Flsk ! in an ariicle on "The Pr m QjallOD of j Hnin?.n Life." In the Yalf Review. Di. Fik is an eminent Lioloslt and the director of the ii extension institute. When we are all living to be 2000! years of ag, according to Dr. Flak, serious problems will arise concern i ing ihe purpliis population. He suk-gesls suk-gesls these polimona: Controlling Hie birthrate by i- tor tninlns se. ''Selectlre outhaimela" r pultinif people tn deili by k : Conveying selected persons in projectiles pro-jectiles lo other pl.uo i Otherwise then- Wilj be no standlnx room on osfth. BRING MAN'.ESB AGH Then, too Dr. V!- k paints out anotli- ei (ijiitr long pitd.ctcd by iCleniVfl tpnt the femal oi the specken ; tn iru,r vlgrorocs and he more fr.'Q'i m Diy eucVlve to t! e elimination of the-! male ;.rd bring :.bivit a nun', I iigjfr! Bui fays Dr. Fiok. science will i trinsfoinr persiiis bi rn femsles into :. until a .-.v. equalizatl n has )eei. reached, ur, if fLtr demand 'a for inal.s'i females wii i.e opnverie.l Utto niaif "It is quite possible that the strur glf for the materials for thn prolongation prolon-gation of life would Hupply the basis for wars of extermination," says Dr Flsk. "Such wars might operate to keep flf-wn the population, otherwise 'he population would continue to increase even If the birthrate were far less than at present. W( should then be confronted hy the choice of either rac. ' suicide or 'selective euthannsia.' DECIDE WHO SHALL LIVE. 'T'nless we practically abolished the birthrate, wo would be under the n ( ibslty of scientific regulation ol the IdeathTSte, and It would then he 'up to1 la Jury to decide as to those who were to live and those who were subjects j for euthanasia. 'There would, of course, be a we' scope here for human eellng ;nd pn j . udlce. If the 'dive' were ln power the. could not be cxpocie.i i.j rendei wholly impartial verdict as to he fii inesa of certain 'wcta' to live, and the! converse would apply If tb" 'wctl were In power. "By that llme.of course, comm':nlc:i tlon with other planets might be eai ri. .I to the pninl ol relieving ilje world j o! surplus population by means of pr. Jictllea directed to some more (6T ISM) favorably sltuatil planet. "II may be asked: Could. u man re-. tain any illusions after 2000 years of existence? Would woman still be an I enigma? "As to the latter query, it could be" answered that in so advanced a suclal state woman might not havo any further fur-ther biological value, in which case sho would be either selected for euthanasia eu-thanasia or deported to some other corner of the universe to bewilder and to charm. BOLD PREDICTION. , "It may be added that not only tho) physical but the temp, i am-iital and, emotional characteristics of sc winch wo are. disposed to accept as Indices of fixed personality, are In fact subject to modification and transformation transfor-mation by bio chemical ni as . "Assuming that science is not checked In Its researches. I am Willing to predict that in the course of 500 years tho human raco will present physical changes that will render human hu-man society entiroly unrecoirnlzable to those of the present era. "Uut dissipation of energy and geo logic change lu tho distant future will finally abolish all life on the earth." SCIENCE TRANSFORMS SEX. (N. E. A. Staff Spoclal.) HEIti.lN, Vi b. u. Science is making i rapid advances In Changing sex, trans-j lorming males Into remalps and fe-m fe-m lei into males, as discussed by Dr. I Kugn Lyman Flsk. the hmiOUS American biuloKist, In maklnir ills prediction pre-diction that the span of humau I He will be Increased lo 2'mi j,.;n lr Fnrh F.hsteln. In n'n article In the Illustrated ZeltUttg, dsclsjn til lists have confirmed the proce. , . u QOUnoed several years Uro i- Dr St( 1-Dachi 1-Dachi eminent physician ol Vienna, who changed sexual characteristics of small animals from male to r male, or the converse, by transplanting ulandn i on . |