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Show Move Materials Now, C of C. Recommends Moving materials now will relievt I the housing problem In all parts of thr 1 t'nlted States, according to Secretary O. J. Stilwell. of the Ogden Chambei I Of Commerce. This will stimulate ; business; for the manufacturer, jobbers job-bers and the retailors, according tc I woril received bv Hie oxdeii Chambei of Commerce from the national organ-1 organ-1 IxatlOO at Washington It will alsc ' ' m ploy Idle labor the report shows. and will reflect sredll to the various , organizations in the United States. The letter received from the na-I na-I tlonal headquarters, In part, follows I "A largS 1 oust ruction program o . 1 hangs the market. For the first uno 1 In months there are surplus railroad 1 facilities available for hauling the ne-: ne-: cessary materials. That the surplm I may soon turnvlnto a shortage is tie I prediction of railroad officials. De-I De-I layed shipments arc costly. We are inviting a broad and expensive, ex-pensive, campaign In all parts of th United States. We believe It wlll'ap peal to those who wish to see building ( and construction of all kinds atari early and proceed without Interruption Interrup-tion during Ihe coming campaign. Tin whole story lies In six words starl construction early move materia U , now. Much good will be accomplished accomplish-ed In the next sixty days, If manufat Hirers, architects, engineers, railroad-and railroad-and civic bodies will use the slogan or all envelopes and letterheads. 00 |