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Show ollo. I'lliled b'tatet Land Dlllee.) hall Ijtae City, Ctah, Julr I.I, lUUli To trhi il eioy Ciuifern.- ' n Notice it hereby given that the Hta't of Utah hat Died In lliia ollic a Hat No, 1SR, of hlll'li telecleil by the aald Stall fur tberalablialiment and maintetianrt ulitnlurane Aylnin, under aectlon I'J ol III Act ol Congreta approveil July H", lKtrt. The lulioaing traeta embraced it aiid liat. aie in a townabin ronlaiiiina uilucr.il cliilina of record, vi ! Tlie b.t tiumbered one l)olecli..n :, Tp. 2, N., U. 5. K.. K. I.. II. A Mer. A copy ol tal'l Hit", ' lar at it relate lo aaid Iracla, by deacriptlv aulhtivla-ioiit, aulhtivla-ioiit, baa been ron.pli ii.ualy p.i.lr.l In lliitotllce fur InatK'i liun iy any peron inlerrated, and by the public g'iir.tlly. Wiliiin the next tixty daya folloaing the date of till' notice , under departmental depart-mental liiaiructioiia ul NuvemWr ! IMKt ('.': U 1. 4.ra, (.role. la ortmiletie agaluat tne ciiitm ol tne mate to envoi the traett or tubdiv'tioiia herrlnWfure j deacrilM-d, on the ground thai the aatue ia mure valuable for a.ineral tlMiilor agricultural purpoiet will lie received and noted fur report to Ibe tieurral baud lirtice at Warlilnglon, 1. ('. f.til-tire f.til-tire tu to prutett or couteat wiihiii ibe lime acilleil will be couridere.1 auilii'-lenl auilii'-lenl evidence of lb iion-iiiiiierul character char-acter o!th tractt. and lb aein-tiou Ibereof, bfing otherai.o free II ob- ) cl ton, will he reciiiiinended lurap-pruval. lurap-pruval. , Kkak Ii. Iloana, Rcgiater. ! tiauKux A. Syirii. H'-ceiver, n.7111 |