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Show Calif ornia's Statural Sphinx. has recently been discovered close to the Immense tunnel that Is Hearing completion on the line of the Bouth-rn Bouth-rn Pacific running along the boundary bound-ary line of Los Angelea and Ventura counties, says the San Franciaco Call. Roma workmen employed by the company com-pany discovered an Immense rock that Is a perfect Image of a man's head. A photograph was taken of this freak of nature by one of tha workmen who had a camera In his possession, and It waa sent to Chief Engineer Hood. I tha Southern Pacific. A reproduc- , . r - dm v" inns in iiicci iiiiacaaaxcasaccsccsiMrijiiiiiii i i sll tloa of the picture accompanies this article. The photograph haa been ahown to numbers of scientists and globe-trotters, and they all claim that there la no other rock In existence that la such a perfect representation of man's head. The rock will no doubt he looked upon In the future as one of the points of Interest In California. Americana ran now proudly claim that California haa a sphinx that Is Just aa Imposing aa that In far-away Egypt, and that the sphinx of California took a long time to be discovered, but that It Is older thsn the Egyptian sphinx and wss not made by man. rrmciplt of JVafional Churehn. The ctvll war In the Houthern states resulted In a Northern and a Southern orgiiniiutlnn of each one of several religious re-ligious denominations, notably the Baptists and the Presbyterians. By rights tbs Methodist division ought to bo accounted for In the aame way, though It long antedalns the war, for It grew out of the Ming old difference of opinion on the s'avery question, while the Southern Presbyterian organisation or-ganisation waa the result of a clear-cut clear-cut protest against an alleged disposi tion of the Northern Presbyterians to go Into war politics as a denomination. Forty years have elapsed alnca tha war broke out, and at lost tha Northern North-ern and Southern Presbyterians are beginning only beginning to get together. to-gether. They are consolidating their denominational colleges and theological theo-logical seminaries In Kentucky, which was one of the border atatea of the secession struggle. Kcllgloua dissensions baaed on differences dif-ferences of opinion about abstract doctrines, doc-trines, or alcout once practical ques-t.ons ques-t.ons which have ceased to be practical prac-tical and so become purely historic and speculative, are In a fair way to be henled wheu those who have been so divided begin to come together and stand shoulder to shoulder In some work that continues to be practical. Education la always ji practical qucs, Hon by rights, and the union of North-em North-em and Houthern Presbyterians In the management of educational Intereau la likely lo be permanent enough to yield that better acquaintance and mutual liking and reaped which are certain In time to bring about a more complete com-plete and varied form of co-operation. Although the famous Father Ryan sang many Confederate war lyrics there was no Northern and Southern division of the Roman Catholic church In America. Indeed, there could hardly hard-ly have been any auch thing In any country alnce the Council of Trout, when the national church Ideal, under un-der the leadership of the French bishops, bish-ops, waa overshadowed by t'ltramon-tanlcim t'ltramon-tanlcim under Spanish and Italian leadership. lead-ership. In the Episcopal chu-r'. the lilshop of Loulsluna became a Confederate Con-federate lieutenant general: General le'a chief of artillery was General William N. Pendleton, a prominent Virginia rector, and Dlahnpa Wllmer and Wltigrlcld suffered various things at the hands of stalwart Union generate gen-erate for refusing to pray for tha President of the United States. But the Southern Episcopal church never nad any real and effective separate I organisation, and the Confederate blshoim were welcomed to the hocus of bishops In the flrat general convention conven-tion that met after the close of the war. The oldest person In Lehigh county, I s., and the oldest practicing physl-clsn physl-clsn In the state and probably In the United Slates. Is Dr. Henry llelfrlch, who celebrated his ninety-eighth birthday birth-day recently. He prescribed for several patients on that day who called at his om.ee. IIh no longer makes professional profes-sional calls, but has considerable practice. |