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Show ttoral Mu.ei.n at Win Iter ra.lls. The Interesting little museum of tellis from rorelgn countries which was arranged at Windsor castle In honor or the diamond Jubilee la to ro-maln ro-maln Intact; nnd the present catalogue cata-logue privately printed r.ir the use or the lord cbamhcrlaln's department, when the museum is shown to the klng'a guests, will therefore still remain re-main In force, says an Kngllnh newspaper. news-paper. A large number or rellca nf the same type ate being a. '(iiiiniliili.il at the castlo rruin the collections hitherto houued nt Marlborough house and Hundrlnghnm, and room Is being niade for them In the armory, nnd also In the guard chamber, which at present contains the Tlppoo Sahib trophy, as well aa the (Yllnl shield, commemorative commemora-tive of the field of the cloth or gold. |