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Show Thry Lit) on FUh. . "Tho city of .Ce-bi; hasi ,scineihlng like ziHi i'iii) luhnbltiiiils, but this population popu-lation Is largely 11111. 1.' up of peoila who are huddled togelhwr l' nnllvo huts." said rapt, lining of 14ms Forty- fuiiiih.. Just hoi k fruni servieie In the Phlllpiiliies, tho other day. "They live year In and year ortt on ric e und corn. There I no hunting, but thousands of small llsh, less lhn six Juches lung, are caught and dried fur local consumption. con-sumption. 'We hsd B ceintTBir With an old man who controls the Ashing at liuiiianjug, to furnish us wllh all the big dsn he might catch, time In two or three weeks he Would brliig ua a flsh a foot long, but Burn are very rare. The native, evou of the Inwest classes are extremely fond of cock- lighting. They ami the ' birds with j saner Knn. and nothing I regarded a a fight unless both the birds are killed, I tho money, of course, being awarded t to Iho backer of the bird thai sur- I vtve Ihe longer. A native who Is able I lo get as muc h as Mi cents knows no more delightful way to spen 1 It than to wager It on the oiitcunie of a cock- fight." I |