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Show IMVl:l(8Tl Ut'lTAII, Null I.nkc I II) . Th U'livenlly ol lltah comprl-ea thorough collegiate couraei leading to degree! iu general iciouce, liberal urla and mining and electrical engliii-erlng ; lieiidet which Ihe Sluto Normal School and a prepuratoty ich.Hil are conducted under tlio dutclloii of Iho I'nlvciilty faculty. Eictllent opportuiulei aie oir.-red to ttudeuta a ho deaiie to purine cleetrlcul aud miuiiig engiteering couraea and nl-ao nl-ao cotiriei In aril and general icience. The Itilioratoilci are thoroughly equipned lor work In cliemlttry, may-lug, may-lug, elecliicul ineiiuremiiite, geneial phytic, liiliir.ini ,ge and biology.. Siiupi are provtrlei fur work In wood a id metal. The Normal School offeia a four yean' coune leading to a rertilh ate ol graduation, grad-uation, and advanced couriea leadlr g lo a degree and a normal diploma. TLe c-itiflcate entitlei Iho holder lo teach In any ol Ihe common tchoelt uf Ihe State for five yean, without exaiuina'.lor, ' Tlie normal diploma la equivalent In a' life certificate. j The training achool and kindergarten oounected w itli the Nor mal School at equipped in accordance with Hi u.oit modern ideal. I Manual training and laboratory prtc-1 lice in e'eiiientary iciencet tie feuiurea of the normal training cotiriei, I A nuall annual reg iatraliuu fee it re quired, but no tuition ii charged. Fall term heglut September llth. Send for ami ual, which givei full information in-formation coucerniiig ciunei, et.', 0-13 1). H Ai.i.m, Socielary. |