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Show BINDING UPON STATES. Prol.n.n. of a TrealJ I anally Apply In til-lire til-lire l i.iinlrjr-Thc i.iinlrjr-Thc case reported from llcuver, lu which the I till In o authuriliea complained com-plained that the local court had refused re-fused to coualiter the cnac of an Italian on the ground of being a nou-realdent alien, presents ouie new and novel feature, although Ihe atate department depart-ment has not had occasion to consider the matter, aa the pajicrshave uot been received. Article XXIM of Ihe treaty between the l'nile.1 States and Italy recite that "Ihe citl.en of either party shall have free access lo the court a of Justice In order to maintain and defend their own righta without any other condition, condi-tion, restriction or taxes III" 11 such ss are Iiiimici1 upon the natives." As a gcnerul principle the provision of a treaty are binding upon state a well as tiHin the federal government. Whether this tienty guarantee of "free, access lo the courts of Justice" 1 atlltl-elcnl atlltl-elcnl to overcome any hpccillu local luws hss never ta'fore been brought in iaatie, and It may reipllrc uritiire con tidcrallon of the varlou latere! Involved In-volved lo determine Just how far the local ataltitc or the treaty provision are to be upplied. HlwnllvVaiitaliila.ua Itunils. It ha developed that the govern. i-nf i-nf llawiail ha twice proposed the Issue of bond to effect needed public Improvement. The nccrcliiry of the Interior, ou hnlli occasions, declined lo entertain the plan. llovernor Dole Hist rcpicslo.l, on June -Itll, the approval of the president presi-dent for a prop.ised is.iiu of uti unstated unstat-ed amount of ao-cailcd llawaiiall treasury note, under act"'.! of the provisional pro-visional llnvvaiiaii government, a part of the civil law of Hawaii In Is'.iT. T he object wan lo procure a temporary loan to replenish Ihe Territorial truus- 'y- I'hlllpph. Wr Hiatuili-a. Gtinnr.il Mat-Arthur u the follow. ttiLf HtatUlim from Mii- I1.'"", to Juiiu 30, llHi! (tlurlntf w liit h lliiif there ii l.O'.'d coiitnc'tit tti'twciMi Aincrii'iin lruo uutt liHaiirLciits), u liU h hlimv the L'ttMiulllcK on lutli KiiU.: Auiorlfunii KilU-tl, ''.;.; wuiiiiiUmI. 410; fiipturcil, 11H; uilHsii.tf, '-'o. lnhui-jfculh KtlU-sl, .'.n.i; wiiutKii'il, 1.1H.1; cupturetl, ,.'i7D; kin icmlcriMl, 0t.. Purl iij ihti mi tiio .rinl, Ihu follov liiH uialurlul w cpt uirtl ur Hiinvn diTi-'il from tlio h.nurL'iitii: Ki llm, n.tVj.i: ritlt itmtnitiiitloii, '.".ii,:',ti.'i rouiulu; rovolfcrs, 1...I..H, .1..M.;Lnniioit, 1,'S; eaiinua ftimiiufililon, lo.'JTO rouu.U. Fktlh llfMlrr Arrritr.l Mr Munlor. IIuiiiiiuu Otllcar Smith uf IliiinlHon, Oat.! ThuriHlay nworu out warrant for the rrftl of Sylvia niul l.ora liiilioi, chnrglhif tin in with mitiiftlituuhtcr, Th HUhopri mo hflli'vors iu fitllh lienllinf, ttnil wluri their liUlu iluiitflit-r iluiitflit-r Khtht-r wah liurueil y a iii.olin cxplonltm July ..Int liicy i l not cult a phj-..l()ii.ii, mxl the child lirl. ltirfhop w coiumlllcil to j iil la ilrfuult of bond. .Mm. ltitthou in ut Or.-en ville, t., and a cotitttnhU liu K'otie there lo t'cure the wttrrmit for her. llrvr it Murtirr lli-ut. Mn. rhilip 1'. Ilitclu-.rk, wife of a prominnut Denvorrullroad tiniii, Thura-dmy Thura-dmy ilioi and nerloimty If not futally wounded J a 1111, W. KuhertH and hi wife lu their candy utore ou KixteenLlt Btraet. The kuiiiiu waa bhot In the We and the man received two IniUeU, oue In the mlddlt of the forchend. It waa at tirt thought that the inuti waa killed, but at the hospital lie revived and the phyaiciant. hojw for hia rocov. ery, aa well aa hla wife. Jealouay waa tha cauae of the ahooting. |