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Show TO Tilt: III l A rich lady cured of her icimuM and Noiaea in the Head by 1). Nichulviu't Arliitcial Far DrniMf, gave f 10,00(1 to lin liulilule, to that deal people uuablt ti procure the Ear Drumi may have theru Irea. Addreet No. 13103, The Nicliolioo Inititute, 780, Eight Aveuut. New York, I'. B. A. i -mi.,. , nl. , filopi the 4 Oligh and w urkaoir I In- t old. laxative Ilrouio-Quinina Tablet! cur a colC" lu meday.No Curet no Pay. P. b j 26 cenla. THE HOME GOLD CURE. ' An liieal.,.iTrealnn I.) ehlrh lirank- t ar.la a.e llrl.. ami llalle la, r- .lle of ll,rn,.el,,.. j ,.,l, wo W.afcei.lea nflhe i Ner... a I on ,! l .iui.l:un f r..r Ihe I.I., UI,, . I It il now generally known and under. k ttood that Hrunkenn.. 1 dlteii and ' notwenkneii. A b dy tilled with poll- I on, and nervea completely shattered by i periodical or militant ue of Intoxical- Ing liquor, re juirea n antidote capable ' of neutralising M. .radicallng thia polion, and dctiroying the craving for inloxlcanl. SufTerer may now cura V iheiurelve at home without publicity or lo.. , f time lim builneai by ll'la wondeifiil "HOME GOLD C'L'KE" which hi! la-en perfected after many yean c!oe ttudy and Ireatni-ut of Inebriate. In-ebriate. Tho fuilhlnl u according lo direction of thia wonderful dlaeovery la J poallively giiaraiilee.1 licuro the moat ubailnale eae, no matter how hard a : drinker. Our recoida iliuw the murve-lou. murve-lou. iratitformallnn of Ihomandi of Drunkanla into inter, luduilrloua ami cprlglit men. wives crui: voru iii:sii.sds!i ,CIIII.iHENCl'l(EYoriFATIIEK8!l Thia remedy la in no a, ne a imatrutn but itaipeclllc for thit diii-uiw only, and . !lto killfully devLed aud prepared libit it Ii thoroughly ibl and plem-ant plem-ant lo Ihe lnle, o that It can lie given In a cup oft. a or c illee without the . - knowledge of Ihe peron taking 11. Thnuanda of Hruiikai.l have cured tlieinielv-i Willi Ihlt piiceleia remedy. i aud aa many mo, havu U'en cured and I mad.) temperate men by having Iho 1 "Ci: UK" administered by loving friend ami relative! without their knowledge in colb or leu, and behevo today that, they dliHMiiliiiued drinking of their own freewill. Do NOT WAIT. Do mil be deluded by apparent and lultleadliig "improvement." Drlv out the diaea , at once and for nil ll mo. The 'llllME GOLD Cl'llE" la told al Ilia extremely low price of One Dollar, thut placing f within rech of everybody a treatment I ruor eir. clniil than oilier roatlnir L'5 E to $5D. Full direction accompany each pa. kago. Hiecial advice by ikllled phyiiciana when requeued without ex- ; Ira charge. Bent prepaid lo any part of , , Hie world on Tawetiw ol 'Ona tfnBar, j Addre.a lept. Eilll. EDWIN I). GILES " t "'v A COMPANY, 2330 and 2,tI2 Market I Street, Philadelphia. I All correapondonc tilctly confident ' ill. em,or"vr' "i'T'i'I' "'! '," L ..ii'ii'rloJl,i!"'l,"i!.1.'ll..n,1,','. m!'.;".'!! iii.i'r.::;;1!."-. We can lo your job woik. " , |