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Show As ihe World Cht 7uKe of Ccrntvall. It Is annoiin.ed si ml ol'.lclnlly that Ihe Imke of t'oinwall. son of the Kng- Hull King and heir to the throne of j (Ir.at llillnln. v.111 nut come to tho r liiili el Ht iti s He V.011.1I like tu comn very linn h limn .1 and 10 study nt , cl r rang.' Ihe men who are cnusing j' hla native land su much trouble. Ilnl. ; '' he Is afraid Ihut Ihe Americana will J nut receive II I 111 respectfully. Ills Idea of a piopcr ps-optlon In J . New York would involve ofll.iul rec- , ', 11gnlll1.il of his mpi'llorlty. based on Ihe fad lh.it Ills fillher slielit more J. than llfly y-ais of a woithleis life j gambling and waning for a plac that ) . he mucin neve r lo havn hud. Kit's (ill- j i c.aiiu Auieih.'iii. .1 The tuilllumiire Idiots lio produce - so rapidly in this rounrry, Hie funll'-h, empty ilea. led Mi-called suclctv which F divides lu tun. 1 l.clKC'il lei.nl bm and f siiohl'ety. aie .- . 1 1 1 1 b ally anomalous In a republic wl h.iut Inviting visits from ( Hm regularly iippolutcd ihliullo.-ltlcs of meiiiin . lit. .cl nil.'. , I We iiilvbe the lluke of r'ornwall, f. who se.ms to be an 'amiable young j eiiphenil leuiil of iH'lug phologlllliheil III ! a very birr..' top but, tu cnntlne hla I visits to l a la, where Ihev sllll pre- f fi r being rui.il and protec-teej nt a die- I tane-e tu the reeiHimilhle work of rul- I tug thcillscli.'S. I |