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Show FILIPINOS SUSPICIOUS. Deneeal Mrrltir'e ftepnrt v atatlvss Are Appeal.eii.lve. The annual report of Maj.ir-C.rneral MacAithur. daled July I. l'.ml. the .lav that he rrlin. pushed command of the division of the Philippine., ha been received at Ihe war department. Tha period covered by Ihs ren t I from Oclolicr I, I'i.ni, when the lost report from Oeuersl -Mar Arthur w-n .tale. I. lie review the policy of the Filipino, who were hostile to the American., anying lhat their action 'nice the practical prac-tical collapse of the llivlrrertiou ha been a iicrplexilig problem. W ith the disl.andiuent of the insurgent insur-gent H.ld nrm'n the Filipino organized organ-ized desperate resistance by banding the people together In aitppo.t of the guerrillas. Thia waa carried out by mean of aeerxt couiuill tee, w ho col-IrrU-d contribution, Inllirte.l punishment punish-ment and carried on a i onslderuble opposition to Ihe American, lioneral MacArthtir reviewed the manner In w hi. h operation are carried ou against IhcMe guerrillas, and Hy he hope the policy adopted will in time conciliate the nalivca ami make thein friendly to the I uile.l Slate. The education of the people In lime past made Ihem auspiclou of any governmental gov-ernmental Is-ncllcence, and they evl-denlly evl-denlly looked on the lenient altitude uf the lulled State as Indicating weak-lies weak-lies tieneriil MacArthur any the proclamation Isaued on licceinbcr '-'1st, llruily declaring the intention of the l ulled Slates to hold the Island and to have Ihe law obeyed, had a good effect, and the aerrel reaistance waa much abated. |