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Show Thia a'lmature la ao every bov of lb tanulaa Laxative Uromo-Quininc TtMe the raine.lv that earea a eall la aa alaa BEST SERVICE. EQUIPMENT, TRACK. OP,CT0WV VIA The Union Pacific FOR A 1.1. Eastern Points. THREE TRAINS DAILY THROUGH CARS to Chicago, Kansas City, St. Pin!, lluue-ipolli lluue-ipolli ; : : ; Direct Connections for the Eist and Southeast. : IMiiiW'd information cheerfully furnished fur-nished on iippliratiiin. C, I. WUKAIK1N, Agent, Coalville, l ull BARBELS Flavoring Extracts. I manufacture and put up under my own name extract of Lemon, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Orange, cloves Wintergreen, Peppermint, Jamica Ginger, etc. , Also Blue Black, Go, Violet and Red Inks. dpi lor Dr. Garten's King ol Palo, The Great Household Remedy. 4 oz bottle, 35 cts. 8 oz bottle, 65 cts. JOSEPH BARBER, Coalville, Utah. Shoe Pointers. Our SHOES are the standard of perfection. perfec-tion. Artistic in design and Perfect in detail de-tail and manufacture. A graceful carriage is impossible unless well made, comfortable SHOES are selected. We sell such shoes. See our Ladies Fine Vici Kid Shoes at $2.50 and $3.00 Men's Fine Shoes in Box Calf 3.00 and 3.50 " Vici Kid Shoes 3.00 and 350 We ha) a I'aill Hlrk Vratl Kid Rllaarr'a Nnoe, warrantee!, that taoold attract jrour atlnlloa al K.HS. Not av PaKi-tlclee Shoddy In Good. I tlTWe laye the Lowest Caih Prices on GROCKRlliS and DRY GOODS in striely First Class Good. W.J.WRIGHT. When you want Dry Goods and Groceries Co to CftSH BARGAIN StORe COALViLLE, UTAH : , Our iP Our I Start; Growth Agents Ulib, Iditio, Wyora- for LW,l,1,TiSi5J?b '! HonitDi. Ne- Utah. w V.a r-. udli m Wlsh pBraaa, n(jl0 ln(j CUlOr&dO. Wc carry a roo.I ilnr.ililo I'oiiutuin I'cn nt JM.oo. We carry the ci-hbi.uc,! lrker Lucky Curve Joiiitlcss Fountain IV a liom fl to fO. These are the host Pens IIUllc. Vritc for Paper Calalogtio; we buy it in 5000 ream lots. Write us about SUiioK,.,pla.rs' Note Hooks; we buy 5000 nt a time. Wc have the Inteiimmiitain Trade on Ribbons, Carbons Niagara Clips, Stenographers' Pencils, Krasers, Copy Holders, Instruction Hooks on Touch Typewriting; fact;cvl'r'tliiiiK used by a Stenographer. Wc handle Orapliophoms and carry constantly in stock several thousand desirable records. We nlwavs look out fur the interests of the limit at the other end of the bargain. We want your consideration When in need of anything 111 our line. It is a pleasure to receive your inquiries whether vou purchase pur-chase or not. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER AGENCY, 2433 Washington Ave.. Ogden, Utah. """"""alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Gran J Clearance Sale Shirt Waists, Baby's Bonnets and Wrappers. M. R. Salmon. Use the Right-Hand fe; McCormick - Binder 9L70U wil1 get left' Binding Twine : ' . M'!'' K ' from us, at 12 cents per pound, vVv retail. Ask for wholesale prices. 'jt' .iaaa J.J.B0WENM. For Consolidated Implement Co. COALVILLE, UTAH. NEW HEW lUilR MaiWitir YORK lorof flhy-lht yrara TRI-WEEKLt A DAILY, VrrI,T National K.-llr P.W TQIRIIIIP Ay" THI nCCMI farmaraandtillager, who I nlOUnt. enm rawr imrory. JRB(JNE.r.aJ.rt rprati th vary btlainaot ol a A nw anil raniarkabljr attractlv pub- country population, luatlon. Prnl'iwly IllualrataJ with por- , gl,all ImporUnt a. ol th a traila ami liaiMonra; nintalna all th r tlrikinf new Itaturra ol Th Dallr Trlb- lion and world, th moitraliabl aiarkat una. Kpjci.l A.r lap...h. Ooiura- Falnatin. abort atoriM. a He and turcica Corraapondene, Short 8torie. Ilumnaa Illnetraliona, lodua- nnaieellea Agricultural Dapartmana, trial Inloraiairon. Kaabion Note. A- rirultural niatktra rarrlnllT traaiinl, and Sclentlflc and mechanical ln'ormatiua. Reliable Finaacial and Market Kepurta. It ia mailed ar tame linur aa tha daily Fathion Article (or tk Woman, Uia-nlitlon, Uia-nlitlon, rrachea a larg prportion of ,., . , .. to btrri barton dal ol i..ii.7nd a.b m.roua Illuauallona lor old and voa eilnioniaa thoronglilr up-to dal daily jt T)lt pTOpt., Phw" lor lha a family ncaapaper lor buay people. tlr United Stalat. Regular enbecriptioo prlc. Regular aubarriptioa prlc. $1.50 per year, $, 0Q per year. W. furnlah U .lib THE TIM ltd for $2.00 per year. $1.50 per year. Send all orders to THE TIMES, Coalville, Utah. ' PRESENTS for EVERY DAY USE The Lamp of Steady Habits 1 1 Th lamp thui rloNnt flAm tip or Mnok. or mum r3ti P". jrff4lSw u,, bwi Uiifitfcjrw ; tho lAinp U4 W-k. irotxt wh. f be Ncw Rocbcotcr. J V Jjf other lampa mT b otrarad Toil aa "Jua aaanml V." T Jr n-r mT . I a"i"a raai)U. hut f.ir all anmiKl aoot. i' i- : a. i f aaaa, llwra'a only eoa, Ifte AVw HucKrittr. Tu make 1 V- M aurv the lampofferru you Uu.iiulna. kuk fur Uia oaiu - V-"la " tt 1 ''' Unil' VH varllka.) . ? -aS, OWI LnmiM Mntlo N'ow. I aa. Heeen fill eaery lamp went. Nomallrr whrlhrr yoo C 3 1- iVTin " ""'P or l"i. an old one n'talml or iwio. Cl ' .' ,vy THE ROCHt.TER UMPC?..3rkPl.eAHB.rlrSt..H..T.rk. ---lIa,iB.t-a-a-4a-f-p.PJ-iI ! - iM O RipansTabules v 7V , ; m Doctors Find A Good Prescription M " J rManhind. : 10FOn5cEIITS Illl ATDnuoSTonEs mill |