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Show A PKBBLE FOB EVERY OATH. Aa AHMleallr I'mlaae tloll-r-afar-a lletnl Tnrae I la. There la it well known young man In timahii. who doca aeveiul other thlnga latter than he plava golf. He la a piikl maater In urtintlc awcurlng. lu fact, bla anger lluila rtpreaaion In lUch coherent alreama ot evpletlvea mat hla repuiutlou aa n memlier ut Iba Country Club la baaed chiefly on thla hi voniil I hIi ini'iil . Hut to get at tha alory ot a tamoua bit of gulf playing thla liHuacloua young mall did laat week. Hla reioid la l:U or iherealajuta und every time he tniikea the round ot the comae hla m ore giowa woiae and he geta more vehement lu glvl ig at- preaaion to what upperniuat lu hla tnllid. I.ilt We ..nvilay In foro ha tin ti-il on the comae of the young man a fileuda Joklmtly remarked: "Kvery time you awe ar put a clod or a chip or a piece of gravel In your pocket." TI.U waa early lu the after-noon. after-noon. Juat ua the auu wua kinking tu the weal il weary yiiuiiK man wlfi bulging l ockeia i ikU' red Into the club bonne. Ilia fiU'nl bud tm gotten 111 in aud auppoaed In bait gone hoino. Aa ho entered the door he emptied a coat pocket and pcbblea rolled all over the reception room fliair. "Thitt'a tha plnla d ua ," he ekcliilined. Fnuii another pocket he dillliied IhU H'lililea which atiKid for a stronger number of the purely maaciillne vonibulary, Other pocketa produced atlll more pebblea and cloda which repreaented other bud worda. Hla trlenda tried to call a halt, but ho peralated tu littering up tha floor, remarking: ' Thla ain't a clr-cuinatuiue. clr-cuinatuiue. Juel wult till you tee tha wngonload of oata the caihly and tho teamater are bringing " Thlt atory la told on the ant homy of frlenda of tka artlettrully profane young man. From tha Omuhn Iti-e Aa.la.l Wi.maa turlrata. Mr a. F.tlwlu Knoalea of llrooklyn, the new prealdent of the Prufeaalonlll Woman's league, doea not lelleva lu woman auffiage. I M Sriihaliip; tbo aub Ject the other day. alie a,l that to her mind the woiuuii kuffrugitt appeared na a rldlculonn le'lng Mrt. Kiiowlct, who enjova the reputation of knowing what kbe la tulkuik' atioui, u)lpreaaed tho opinion that uniliing uiia to be gulned by enfrani hUlng wuinen "There are aa many Iguoraui women aa men," the a. "and giving aomtn the right to vote would merely IhcretM. the number num-ber of volera, while their illvlalon 00 the Wmiea of the day would bo about aa It la now The only thing that would be gained would be more trouble trou-ble for the women." Hut Mrs. Knowlea hut a Bluing belief In club life for her ae. It "brnuilcnii" a iimin,'he Buy a. Now York Tlincn, King Kdwiird VII liat accepted from Fcott Mantagu. M. P. t number of Anierlciu bronre turkeyi taken to Znglanil In a wild Hitt. TUcy will be woiiBud. at KauOtiLiUaai. |