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Show Did Not Have tbe Price. A burnlle constituent received In hi mall th other day a copy ot a consular report, tba wrapper of which bor the announcement, "Official "Offi-cial buslnosa. Penalty for use, 300," whereupon th recipient wrote to the department of state, aaylng: "What In thunder made you think that I would pay 1300 for tha darned old report re-port you aent me? American engine In South Africa, shoe In Germany, and tba truat movement In Austria-Hungary Austria-Hungary have nothing whatever to do with the raising of corn and potatoes, pota-toes, and ao have no Interest for me. Henil return postage and I will mall the pamr back to you, and you can end It to some dude reporter In New York who baa got the price In hla clothes, I haven't" |