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Show DION'T CET THE DADGER. ntorr nf Ihe Morning Tinned Hunters' Thouihts Id Another Illrnellon. Pome years ago, during a visit to friends at Kudeloy Castle, tlloiicester-shlre, tlloiicester-shlre, the late Sir John Btnlner, the famous fa-mous nrennlst and coniHier, Joined In a badger hunt which had n most unexpected un-expected ending, one Hint wns undoubtedly un-doubtedly wholesome liolh for the badger bad-ger ami his hunters. The mnungcr nf this estate nninsid himself by nightly meets nt certain woods whore the badgers earthed, nnd ir. Htalner-be bad not thou Ix-en klilghtod-hnvlng boon tohl Hint there w ns lo be a meet at a place colled I'ln-noek I'ln-noek I'lin. nn extensive wiioilhinil In the Cotswold, expressed n desire to dike pnrt In It. At midnight, accordingly. In com-puny com-puny with the malinger, Hie llcv. "tub-ert "tub-ert Hiowne. who wus then curate of Sudclcy. nnd a few others, ir. Hinlin-r started to trnmp I" the ri'inlrVvntis. which was nliout four miles away. The boaters were loft nt n certain point with Instruction to give them their half bout's stun. This being itTcclcil they were quietly nwiilllng the appearance appear-ance of the luiilu-er. who. disturbed on his rumbles by the heaters' ibms, would probably ere long charge Bl the earths. Willie they walled, the approach of the morning wus heralded by that mysterious mys-terious light which at Hint time or jrcnr It wns June begins to lie seen about 2 o'clock. It was one of the finest mornings possible lo linnglne. There wns no wind, the sky wus clear, and the small patches of deliubed mist obliquely creeping up toward Hie ethereal bine overhead Irresistibly suggested celestial celes-tial beings winging their iiiivard wuy. The birds soon beuau tlirlr morning snngs-llrst tls skylight Willi his thrill Ing notes thou In the far dlslsmv the cuckoo, the wood pigeon nml Ihe dove cooing to bis mule, nml then Ihe hosts of other blnls, one nfter niinllier, until all the woodland resounded with song. For a few moments the Utile party stood III silence; then ir. Kliilner, raising rais-ing bis bands, exclaimed: "All that have life and limit h slug to the lird!" the opening words of Mendelssohn's "Hymn nf Cruise." The iniittugcr eniight ut It III au In slant and hummed the trombone pnrt. Do you know It V" nskod the doctor. Tho mnnugcr nodded. "Let us hnve the first chorus," suld Dr. Stabler. Anil so they sang from iiiemoiy, ns well ns they could, the first chorus from the "Hymn nf I'm Inc." Hr. Btnlner Btnln-er taking the treble, Mr. Ilrowne Ihe nlto, Hie malinger the tenor and number the buss. Naturally they did not gel the badger. bad-ger. Never was badger In this humor wooed, nnd It Is ensy lo linnglne the dnxed beast, who never could hnvc heard such sounds lu nil bis previous existence, glvluu -W -mvlk n-.wldc Bsirsu. 1'auitra t.'anipjtnla. ' v . . |