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Show I)truj Xulli-r. j 'si-tir. or (' tn. ) In 'ouUi:i ore ,Coi tn oi' Si iiMir.l t-iiici m! auidcoiinty. I have ill lliy poaaiaiill the following I de cubed eetr,.y aioin.il', a l.' li if let claiitied and liiken aaay, will be aold at public aiiclinli to the h illicit hld lcr al Coalvi'le, III Coalville precnn l, oil Moll-dai Moll-dai , Ihe S i. ilav ol lieceinh.-r. at the hour of p. in. : 1 I' our head of aheep il h o ami rid ill , right eal. I Light head of rlie. p w it h cro,' CHI of right ear, o in und lip oil' left cur. Four head of alieeu a ilh o, alit and tipofl" right ear and lip oil left ear. Two head of ihr. p with o and till in both eara. Five head of eh-p a illi t'p olT right i aad tiotch and tip olf left eara, I Two head of .In ep with lip and notch oil right and lip cll'lelt cure. ' Two he.nl of eheepallh U.pr crop off right and lip niraod alit in left eara. Olio head of aheep wilh lower clop off right ami n, elil and tip oir left eart. , One head of theep wilh Hutch out tipt I of bor li eara. One he.ul ot theep with two liolcliel out of right and notch aud elil ill It-it eara. On of above au inali with K on tight rllia. Haid eatraya were taken up by me in Coalville precinct oa Tlniraday, the 20ih day of Novemlier, 1IKJ2. IV . I). KoeiNaoN, l'oundkecper for Coalville pretcinct. |