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Show THE PASSION FCR OAVtl':a Excitement, Not Lurt for C.-in. Is I n Desire. One of the mini t:ioi.n..j1:y tn grained passiona In I he linn n-i race it he desire to gamble, not the crude wish of the tunoraut man to ki-i aotno-thing aotno-thing ror miihlnit. but the cai;er and brilliant lined expectation of l ie man of experience to rink some Hmnc-Kion of his ugalnat some part of hla neighbor's neigh-bor's goods, in the hope of becoming by thla means the possessor of both. And that thla la by no mcana to he confounded with mere hint for money la proved by tho prevalence of th's leellng among very rich men. to whom tho ai milnltlon of a few hundreds of thousands or dollars cannot by any posalhllliy bring added comfort or enjoyment. en-joyment. It la In the ronton! of bis brain against another's, the placing of hla army In the Held to capture or bo cap turod by his opponent a. that tho lover of gaml, ling tBK,,a hla delight. Such a pnaslon Is aa often aei-n III a llttlo gutter-snipe risking his pennies with another gamin at crapa an It la In tho gray-haired financier minting tho market Into a rumor to suuecxe the last cent out of Ins opposing acquaintance acquaint-ance on tho other aide of the movo-ment. movo-ment. Writera on economics almost without with-out exception full to grn-p thla idea, and point out the folly of gambling to Its devotees on the ground that tho money gulm d almost Invariably rpout In a reckless fashion, and that the coniirmcrl nimbler la thus eventually eventu-ally hound to loae. They do not aee that It la the excltcun-nt of the con-tost, con-tost, the etuutlonal thrill caused by tho conflict, tlml la morn frequently desired, not tho gain of a certain amount of money. |