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Show HIUTINIi IN HAVANA. Tnllre anil suiter I In.h. Twa arlng klilel simI ll.lrlf U.un.l.aL Asa result of coiilllcla of ascrluili nature lietweeii the police and ttirJ on atrike In Havana, two atrlkera are dead and llilrlv-two other penoiuare wiiiiiidcd. Five of lha wotindaf , gie a lleulnn.nt'of Hillce, whoae'lhnialwaa cut t,y a striker, have very arvem In Juries. Fight other policeaica are wounded. Ihe Hillca had the rflers well miller coulrol al laal repurU but every precaiitlou la tialng laUan U pre vent a further outbreak of dlarder, and all the police and rural gussla lu the aubilrba have been eouiQiord lu eotii-enli ate III Havana. The atrike, which at Aral eoneruad only the cigar workera. became gmeral hy the railing out of all Irailea-ll aym-pathy aym-pathy wllh the elgar-inakera. Ill the trade. people closed their doom, ilerka, rooke and every olaaa of wirktneo having obeyed the command tff the union except the motnrnieii al eou-ductora eou-ductora of the electric oara, fho re-fueetl re-fueetl lo Join In Ihe geueral itrae. Trouble began early by theloldlng . uuof the eleeli ir cars hy tan erlkera. .i.7r.:.rr .-.7 VriYoyerlr , ' heveral tiara were halt! up nd atoned lo tha ouukirta of the ety and Ihe passengers were compellpl to walk Into Havana. Several 1 rare were wrecked and aoine uiotornxn and con ductora were In jured during the rioting. |