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Show Wbn Woman Ursw Ills flow. An Iowa traveler Just buck from tht; new northwestern frontier tells of somo of these hardships: "I saw a colouy of Uulacluns In Saskatchewan," Sas-katchewan," he said, "aud they gave mo tho most extraordinary exhibition of buiuuu patience and fortitude I ever beheld. I saw from a doaeu to Of teen women hitched two aud two to an elghtcen-lucu breaking plow, and tliej marched right ahead through tho tougb grouud with that plow, touring up Ave acres a duy ou au average. Thero wai a man holding the plow. The work these people did waa aa effective ai could have been done by horses oi oxcj. The wauim seem to tuke tlieh hard labor aa a matter of course, They ore very cheerful over It, luugb lug aud Joking aa they snake that great stool blade tbrurgb the turf. I am told that scores of these girls wh draw plowa all duy huve vltullll enough left to dunce through tin greater part of the night. They an broud of shoulder, heavy hipped au4 muscled like wrestlers. They may not be beuutlful to look ut, but they an healthy looklug, and moreover they an full of tho determination that luuke) a uew country open out." These will dlsiippeor In a few yeura and another geucrutiuu will know of these hardships only by hearsay or a' of tradition. They aro only an Incident Inci-dent of piouocrlng. It la dllllcult to realise, tliut such hardships aud prlvs-tlous prlvs-tlous are necessary In this day of the world aud on this coulliient; but it will not be denied thut this sort of pluck and endurance, la good Indention Ind-ention thut upon this new and Mini froutler Hue there will bo built up rugged society Ihut will prove an Important Im-portant uddltiou to the social elements of tho Western Hemisphere. tits Moines Leader. " - |