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Show jrtld t,f Cl;l(a; A COLU IJI OKK l) ' '"' t-A.ie P.rnroo yuintn TalileH. IdiKulHla refund the monev if il failt ire. E. W. Cirove'a aiKiiatuieiaou boa 26c. Morning, liul true. "If every ot.e knew whnt agiaudmedi cine Ur. King'a New Life I'illa ia," wrilee I. It. Turner liemprevUwii, I'a , "you'd aell all von have In a day. Two week' u-e hat made me feel tike a new mini." tiifaltthle (ur cotialtpiition, atomach und liver troublet. i'ficat lioy den 'a drugttore. Or INTKICKaT Til TIIIM. HI.IK I Kll-ILIC Kll-ILIC Il il perfectly undeiitood by every tick man or woman that if they can get tome remedy that jar i 1 1 atop the tirudtnil lor-a ol fteeh and etrengt!., their recovery ia aa-aured. aa-aured. 1'eople that are nervous and uu-ateudy, uu-ateudy, have dizzy apelle. with weakened ineiiioiy, and loeaitf atiihitioti their blond ie thin and watery. Il ahowt in their aallow complexion and tired manner, eoon aa they cotumencetogain fleali they look better and aleep lietter. To gain fiom one lo three Hi", uf good aohd Ucali per week, the blood muat lie mail-) rich and pure. llr. (lunn'a llhaul and Nerve Tonic puta In Ihe b.ily the very pith ol what inakea pure rich biimd in tin) 'liot direct way, and ciirea diaeare hy making aireiigth. Thia Tonic it in tablet form, lo lie taken right after uirala. lienrichaa the hlood, making force where there wat falntncet. For wouaeu'e weaknett a better reuiedy waa nrver r-iade, RnM by all Druggla'a fir 75ctt. per box, or three buxea fur (2 00, hy mail. Write ui almut vuur cu e. Addreaa, l)r. Gunn, I'lulu lelphia, Fa. For tale by John Unyduu & 0ou Coalville Uub. ( . " " I Asl.l.lil' Anil. I I.VMI. llreakiug into il I'l'iliJ liome, aome llr an lutelv ilriiyu'e-l Ihe alccping In - tnatea from de'lth. ' Kitllclcd eectlrlly, and death near, li'r that vt uy wIikii you neglect cough an I c-lil. Ilon't doit. lr. Kli'g'a Not li--coery h-r CotiNuiiie-Hon CotiNuiiie-Hon gi tea perfid pie'ictlon up-in-l all Throat, Cheat a". I Luna Tnoil.le-i. Km p li Hear, lllld avid alllli ling, rliulll, mid d.K tor't hilla. A tca-piMinfnll t,, a u lute coiltlll, plriet'l.t ore I he ino.l aloli-horn, aloli-horn, llarioii-aa an I nice, laeiing, n'a guarulltecd to rntii-lv hy John I otdeiltV Son Dritggiaia. I'me ode and Jl.tKI. Trial liolllea free. Cortdenaed. Aocurate, Helpful. The hutieat people rend The Youth'! Companion la-cauae it ia coudi'iiitcd, accurate ac-curate and helpful. lla weekly tuminury of iiupottant newt la oompleie and truttaoiltiy, lla editorial coiiiuient on political and domealic qiiealiout 1' lion-part itan ; it ann to ttate facta In inch a way that tlie hualeat men can u-e them ae the baie of an intelligent opinion llreflectann every pnge thewhnle-eolne, thewhnle-eolne, lriillli.tr loua, hoilie-loving, home making aide of American life, the lile of uohle aima and hooorahln anil.itiona. A full annoiiucetnenl of the new volume vol-ume will be aent to any ad. treat on re-queat. re-queat. The uew auhacrtder for 1U03 who ten. la $1.76 for the new volume at once will receive free all the remaining ieeuee for 1U02, Including the Dunlilo Holiday Nutiihera; alto Ihe Cointianion Calendar Ilur 1U0S. lulu graplred in twelve colora and gold. Tug Yot Til t CoMrtaioM, 144 Berkeley blreat, i)oiwo, klatt. ! A XT tit I I.IN4. al III HISi:. Very few could la-lieve io looking at A, T. Iloadley, a healthy, Mhuel b ark-aiulth ark-aiulth of Tilden, Intl., thai for ten vctra he attifered tin h lorturea from Itheii-inittiilii Itheii-inittiilii at few could endure and lite, liul a wonderful change followed hia lak log F.lectrlc Ilitlert. "Two bottler w holly cured me." he writet, "and I have not fell a twinge In over a year." They regulate the Ktdneya, purify ihe I blood and cure Htienmatiatn, Neuralgia, Nervnutneaa, Imyrove dlgeatinn and give I perfect beallh. Try them. Only 60u al I UoydeD't drug ttoru. Rev. Ill K. Hlcke 1903 Almanae. Tutay thattbiiaplrndid work of acience' and art It finer and better than ever, la ttaling it mildly. The demand lor ,t I ,iXin;l (! - ""TT"-,"T.'-'."- l.eeae,. u.-n. l 1 .T,,T." !".. and aaefnfneaa, fa an llMUlt to the Intel llgence of the niillinm. I'rof. Ilickt, through t ti ia great Almanac, and bit fa-ninue fa-ninue family and aclentlllc kuiraal, WOUDand W(IKK, la doing a work for the whole people rot approached y any other man or publication, A fair leel will prove Ihit lo any renmr.al.lc peraon. Aditcd to II nioal liiniln-nn rouiac in aatronomy lor lli:i,'loreaata of ttorllla and wca'h'T are given, it llever In-fine, for every day in the year. all charmingly illuatratrd withittuily twohtinilrcd enyravihg. The price of aingle Alinamic, Including poarage and timililig. ia truly i ta. Wont and I Worki with the Alintoac la f I .IK) a year. Write to Word and Woikt 1'uhlialiing !co.,'.".'(ll I.c.li' Slnet, SI. Iiuia, Mo., ! and prove to yura.-lf their gr-?ai value. fur a Had I old If you have a hid fold you need a g.xul relliMn medicine like ChamU'rlaiu'i j Cough Iti'tiii dy to liH.-vii and relieve it, and to allay the Irritation mid iutliiii-iiiatiounf iutliiii-iiiatiounf tiie thrrrit atpl Itiiig For jaalc l.v John Ilrnd.-ii A Sou. Your return curd printed on ico envelopes for 7$ centi at THE TIMES oifice. THE OLD RELIABLE m i POWOER ; J Absolutely Pure I THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE j ir vol' ii a v it iiYHi'Ki'Kia, niti i Tina- Tin old way ot inking -pain, hi ittl etc. lo cure dypiepeia. la all w iong. The) may be put up In tahleta In iiptul ; the roallll It jliel the aame. l liMohjecre j it to mate art l Ileal dige.tion, hut ti le i ; dia.a not make a cure. Slop taking the j papain, etc., and you have your dyepeji- I ', j tie or iudigealion back again I'eople nan j ) . opium and cocaine for nertoile Irouhlea i . and lick-headache, Il doea n l cuie.atop j I taking thedrllga anil the pain anilili.lre.e I , ri'tllrne. Tlie only Common 8. n e Mo- I , HiikI la todilve out of tiie aiaiem the t 1 1 catiae of dyapeepalll and ai'-K head.u-ho I i by cleailtillg the alolliuch a' d lantele, at ! ! theaame lime ii.ing a midiciiietliut will f acton the liver. Thia loicea ihrough the ' ' giauila of Ihe alomach Ihe dlaoelivi- flnl ' ' I that lilltiire inlendeil lulliiaaay von cure dvaieep.iil. The medicine liiat ) cur-ailyepepela by till- III- .n il Ie culled r ! I r. Iiiinn'a Impioved I.ivei I'llla, They ) put Ihe laidy in in ndliioii mi that the j ililhTenl olgana can do their work In a r natural wav. 1'rilgglata aell theae pille at : 'J'i eta per laix, or we will e-nd litem I on receipt of L'fi cla. In aiaiupa Sample I.. i lice. ItlakeaoiiH P'll lor itl-n. , ' I Ad'lleea, llr. tiili'll, l'lilladclihU l a. ! horaale oy John lloyd-n A e.u. (. oulvllo , j Utah. ateppad Agelllat a Hot glove. A child ol Mta. (ieorge T. Henaon. ' when gat-tlng hit tlaual Salurduv nigt.t bath, ncpped back auattiat a hot et--v I which burned him aeveretv. lie child j ( j wai in great agony and hia moiher lonhl ! do nothing lo pacify bun. Itememla-r- ' tug that ahe had a bottle of Chamber- I luln'i I'a ill lliliu In Ihe luuae. ahe i I thought the would try It. In teat than . hall an hour after applying II the ciulit ' I wat quiet and. aileeu, an I in ee than ' taro weekt waa well. Ma. It.-i.ann I- , well known realdeut ol Keilur, Va. 1'iiu ' Haltu la au antitepllu liiiiiueni ami ea-peciully ea-peciully valuable for hurna, cute, hiuiae ml apraiua. For talc hy John llodeu A Sua. ' We can do your jdo work. -j When you wake np with a bad twla r in your inouth, goouce to John ll-ititi-a V A Sona drtwgiat. and gi I a dee a..uie'e V I ol t ' ha ill lie r I a i n ' t riioiuacti and L vr ri'al'laie. iineor two doaee will e.itke 1 you well. Thev alao cure hiliiou., headache head-ache uud conillpalloa, ( , f I aV- i - n |