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Show I - cl the Northwest Spend Months bo-tn- g saw-I-ecte- . i . the 1 hairV'xv-- d e Uiuidie of Ley. wttAtfys- - tb-- ,"I f This confirmed the friends that Con etory of hie tan tin was bound for Vancouver, perhaps for Quebec , Fournier and Labelle were both well known to the police. were They gambling house boosters both at Daw eon end Whitehorse, Evil associa-Gonand unsavory reputations kept both under the eye of the service. Then Welsh found In Peter Rook, Whitehorse grocer, a man who sold email quantity of provisions to boat party and who knew both Fournier and Labelle by name and by eight . And the best part of Rook1 service to the ctse wee his positive tgtemnt that Labelle had returned nbbut July It to Whitehorse. To Rook Labelle said he was going to Atllu. He had evaded the police and hla movements were not of record. It brae now near the last of July. Welsh Impressing Rook the grocer futo his service, crossed the mountains to Skagway following the trail of Dp-vso- - . - On Aug. th cr,,ne2tw'SL" Pete" Fournier" - qtfleGy With November there' hard fight all along the cos plthe United States a fight rarely spoken of, yet Incessant and fierce. Jt the fight of the coast lights anf lipals 1 against storm sod fog. So this year, as In previous years, a lightship will hang to the bottom there with 1U anchora like grim death, with all on board praying that it will continue to hang on. A somewhat alarming comment on the From March to November thmen beauty of the atation la to be obstationed In the steel and aim cylin- served In the departments directions ders that stand on hidden ledgewlth the nearest land lying along thefcrls- "Light vessels No. 71 to 72 win be used.oa this station alternately." Each of theee ahlpa la fitted so that she can move under her own steam, and not be an absolutely helpless hulk when she breaks away from her mooring in a bowling gale, as bhe will more than once in this coming winter. Lightship No. 69, also built to go under her own steam, waa driven from her anchorage six timet In four months, but managed to steam back to her position each time. The seventh time she failed. She fought against the hurricane for three daya and then went up on the North Carolina beach near the Creeds Hill life station. The life savers got her crew off. Tbe value of the Diamond Shoals oa like a dim cloud need not ftar even la shown by the fact that lightships If for the su&mtr storm this vessel's last year on her during does not last long and they ait sure of station, 2,(70 ate&m vessels and 2,(76 relief and supply vessel wSl make ailing vessels passed her. their way to them within 4 hw days. Tha United States vessel that But when the gales of ihq late au- has had the most light exextraordinary tumn and of tbe winter begin, there perience Is Columbia River probably may be a month aud evei more when Light Vessel No. (0. Her atation la no ship can approach those off the mouth of the Columbia river, ; ocean perches, . miles off shore. j Then tbe keepers are. as besieged eight That coast Is one of high rocks and men. They must save ever; drop of forbidding promontories, and there oil, that their lights may he lept burning even should a new tupy fall to arrive when due. They mist watch their machinery every mlnate, for po help could reach them to repair It storm-bese- William H. Welsh. Talked into a Dawson gambling house and began to play. He unfolded, a small roll of bills , and bought hla chips. Presently he waa Upped on the shouldet. Two men In civilian clothes and two policemen In uniform wanted to ace him. Fournier waa surprised, hut started readily to accompany them. The bills he had given to the dealer wera taken by the police. One of them, the outer wrarptng of the roll, bore a heavy stain of reddish-black- . It was blood. j r Wasatch Mine . : - X constantly the best COAL, and as for prices, note the You will find LUMP STOVE i 1.50 Patronize a Home Industry. I WEBER COAL CO. foam-bordere- d should It break down, ;; ? The Ughtkeepers of tie United States have been trained to look on their llghta he the Amerkaa soldier and sailor look on their flag. So well have they been discipline! and - so well do they guard the trad that there rarely la a case of having failed whan human energy and pluck could keep It burning. . 4 , When sleet end enow drive over the towers, these men have to face the danger that, despite all their care, the light, burn It ever so lightly, may not b able to pierce the thick air. ' So, blew the galea a they may, the .keep- - Do You Wa.ni Some? When You are In need of DRY GOODS . didn't-knowwb- ... , t AND aght for the men said Labelle. Fournier stood there alone, 1 had him covered with my rifle, but waa badly frightened. Fournier spoke first He came toward me acting very nervously and aid 1 T can pay you that money now. Just forget this. Its all right I was so frightened I at 1 was doing, but 1 took tbe money, 35, which he handed to me. That Is where I made my mistake. .' In relating hla story of the murder 1 Fournier said; When we were In UNITfp STAYtS Ll&MTHeuit r feusm Dawson this spring Labelle came to me and said, Fete (he always called sleet from the panes throughout the me Pete), lets go to Whitehorse. We night that the light may shine out thought there might be some games freely. . running there. We went There were A light has been Installed xo games there. Then Labelle said we In the famous Naveslnk would meet strangers and hustle them overlooking Sandy- - Hook. . lighthouse Although dowa the river. I said, Ita tough, but not a first order "the new lens light I am with you. We got a small boat makes it one of the most powerful In nd we met the three fellows. We the world. agreed to take them to Dawaoa for 6 It throws a flash every five seconds waeht We camped - at- - night. . Every and. the lighthouse,,!! rpartmefit 'has a night Labelle said to me he would kill report from a sea captain who ' dr them. Clares that he saw the flash seventy-fiv- e We camped the last night on an miles st sea.. - 1 island below Stewart In the morning If he was correct, what he saw at waa asleep. He threw a piece of that distance must have been the wood at me and I knew what it meant of the flash on the sky; for I heard a shot I waa aura one waa the Naveslnk tower is 218 feet above done for. He said It waa a rabbit the sea and consequently the extreme Then he shot again. Then ha fired limit at which the eye could see the back and abot the big man (South!-lette- ). light directly la only 2fc miles, the He fired twice at him. I saw curvature of the earth precluding any the three bodies near the water. We greater reach. searched the bodies and threw them But this light la so powerful that It la. Is certain that Us Illumination of tha Fournier 'admitted pawning the shy and sea can be seen from a diswatch of Bouthllette in Dawson, and tance many miles beyond the direct stated that the bloodstained notes reach of It rays When twenty miles found oa him at tbe time of hla a away from It, Its glare la to strong icat were given him by Labelle. In clear weather that the eye la daiThe American authorities on tha sied. lower Yukon found the body of Gilbert While every year see more or less Cufor Juit whera Fournier, wld feq damage to lighthouses and beacons waa killed. Tbe corpse waa picked there ir onrspot mt theeoest that Oct 1 and waa fully identified up at haa defied the lighthouse builders sucEagle. cessfully, and that la Diamond Shoals, off Cape Hatteras, the moat dangerous Regulator of Watchea. place In the lighthouse service Webb C. Ball of Cleveland baa reA lighthouse engineer will get Inceived tbe appointment of chief watch dignant if it Is suggested that this inspector of the Vanderbilt road. Tha spot has defeated the department. He will say. that a lighthouse can be watches of all employes of the system are required to be compared dally build there, and built to stay. He will point to the lighthouse that and regulated as often as may be finally was constructed and has remained off tbe mouth of the Elbe, n worse spot tban even Diamond Shoals. May Marry American Heiresa. It la said that a brother of tha But tbe question of money prevents. knedtve of Egypt has fallen In love lighthouse on Diamond Shoals with an American heiress, whai yq. would coat too much. aeo-essar- y. , t; - - X 1 GROCERIES eves-oyueo- tHiwswtiiMioejmet . 14 o autff shji-i-s 6ti IVMI are seCh Viame ' I - Go to the? - struction. - She was headed for It and struck the right spot before dark. Her craw were taken off In the breeches buoy. When she struck, her men had so handled her aalla that ahe turned head to Ihe'ieaanLth us presented her high bow to the surf, with the result of saving her. When the atom ended he was high and dry on the sand. Then contract after contract waa mads by the government to launch her again. Each contractor failed. Finally It was decided to haul tha ship Into the woods behind the beach CASE! BARGAIN STORE i , COALVILLE, UTAH Good Job Work..... r Is whJ people want and at We Times office is Just the place where you can get it at prices that will suit everone. ..All Wort Promptly Executed . ' i 0S0. iy VOvfivO GRASS CREEK COAL AT . GRASS CREEK MINES We have the very best Coal there is on the market for domestic or n - ! I (8pacUl Correspondence.) along- tt a Cape Die- v Tines vs Him a eii ipoimwMtt, dowa that protect tha precious le Destruction Island. , , and with the weather heating them One day in November a gale began and tha wind threatening to blow to blow from the aea. It rose to a rate them Into the black sea below, with of seventy-fou- r miles an hour,-- , Tha waves reaching up to, them, they heavy' anchor chain of the lightship scrape the drifted enow and tha froxen napped. She drove toward breakers that were so bad that even the old captain described them aa frightful In hla official report Sail was made and the men worked her abont twenty-fiv- e miles off shore. The next day two tenders steamed out and tried to tow her In. Both failed. By dusk the big high-aide- d lightship was In the breakers. Now, there waa only one chance for life. North and louth. . lay rocks, promising a sure end to ship and men. But beween them lay a abort stretch of sandy beach. If the ship could hit that, ahe might escape Immediate de- n On Aug. 1 three miles from Ogllvle on the banks of the Yukon, another body waa found. It, too. waa con-- veyed to Dawson. No one recognised . It. With tbe Infcrmatloa already in hand Major .Wood and hla men at once and Instinctively connected this third body with those of Bouthllette, Beaudoin and Constantin. It was not the body of Fcurpler or La bells. Where were - Labelle was, they? la all llkellood atlll Allv since he had passed through Whitehorse southward; Fournier, ! murdored like the rest, could at JJ NO DELAY. T -- ' THERES Winter, Light a ! I i g Fournier went quietly to the guardhouse. He protested that he did not know what he was wanted for; he had committed no offense, and the inquisition of the police failed to move him to a damaging admission. But Pete was held. Meanwhile Welsh, the.. detective, bad struck "the trail at Bfcagway and waa hanging to it with the tenacity characteristic of tbe man and his Labelle bad not dallied training. long in Ekagway. Welsh followed him to Vancouver B. C., and thence te 8eattle. In Seattle records of a local employment bureau sbowed that be bad been sent to a logging camp In tbe eastern part of the county. Welsh and Rook 'went there. Labelle bad moved on. Then tbe pursuers began a systematic search of tbe logging camps. Tbe trail waa followed to Spokane, thence to Nelson and Rossland In British Columbia; back across tbe International boundary to Thompsons Falls, through Missoula and Butte, In Montana, to Pocatello, Idaho, and to Cgden, Utah. Then came Welshs triumph- - One jump from Ogden to tbe little town of Wadsworth, in Nevada, and Eduard labelle, quietly at work in the camp of a railroad contractor, was taken Into the hands of the relentlese and Yukon law. Doubly identified by Welsh and Rook, branded by both as a triple murderer, the captive weakened. He admitted hie knowledge of the killing and made hla confession, blaming Fournier. He readily "Pete Fournier, doln and Alphonse Constantin were agreed to accompany the detective to Slain by Fournier, by Labelle or by Dawson without the formality of exboth. Down below Dawson, on the tradition. The trio started on the reAmerican side, Gilbert Dufors was turn trip. While In Seattle on hie way to Dawshot to death by Labelle, according to son Labelle made what he claimed the state of Fournier. use a full confession. He told of - , Immediately after the murders at the opposite end of the Island no wn the most remarkable police force on the American continent, from where tbe party waa camped and or perhaps in the world, went to work. of hearing three shots. .He had Fournier's Intention to kill the Major Wood Issued his Instructions to WUUam I. Welsh, one of the othere and began to fear for himself. shrewdest and most experienced bf He remained sway more than an hoar the detective force, at his command. and at length ventured into camp These Instructions were brief. "Run about midnight 1 crept up close and looked around this thing down said Major Wood. To tbe Yukon police this order means Stay with It until you'know tbe truth and place tbe murderers an- "vtsntla .. house Keepers Guard Their Trust With Wondrous Fidelity "Instances ol Heroism, U a story of ths most remark-hlpollcs fore to tha world a story of ths detectives of to British North-wes- t of tha men mho ferret oat the murder mysteries of the tangled wilderness of the Yukon. -- l the larriLorUlJatl.p? the Klondike t Dawsoa lie two mem whom the wonderful detectives of the Northwest barge with the murder of four men in the remote wilderness of the Yukon valley. Their names ere Victor Fournier and Eduard Labelle The murders tcok place on a little Island la the British Yukon. Leon Bouthllette, Joseph Guy Beau- - Her .. tit farms of Shut In by in Tireless Scarch cf Men Who Had Con v mitted Crimes in the Yukon, . i Watch Over the Sailors Follow Murderers' Trail Detectives vI steam purposes, and across half a mile of country to Bakers bay in the mouth of the Co- lumbia river. The ship made the Journey among tha pine trees without accident and within a month was launched and anchored. In front of the i.igfrthnw departments wharf. Wm A Bull Fight Episode. An episode !n which an . scored over man cornea from the Spanish frontier. A few days ago at Saint Sebaatien dunax ths coure of bull f.ghV the spectator were especially-annoye- d at one of the ptcadora. Whether he had not exposed sufficiently to death or not la set stated; but In their wrath they began to pelt him with fruit, crusts of bread, and even with bottles. He. not to be outdone, returned them with interest, and. a great tumult arose. k la the meantime the bull which had beet brought out to be killed remained Impassive, looking with philosophic eyes at the yelling and cowardly crowd as If In 1U beasts heart It profoundly , pitied them. nitnr SI. 75 1 ; C) Well Screened Domestic, (O Mixed Store Lump tad - PER TON. fMMm -- There is no shoveling or we have a SPECIAL CHUTE "V TClMC waitings FOR LOADING - - GRASS CREEK COAL CO. N 5i,'qw'0 ' V |