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Show Ihs Trolley Car Cnnduelor, The suiccssful ului tor joins to the chivalry and linpresslvoiHss of policeman the savolr fahe nf the grii-llouiun grii-llouiun behind the Bilk counter, for persons who go homo from clubs at two lu the morning limy huve to be persuaded III six different ways before they offer anything to "ring up," says (.'buries M. Milliner lu the Atlantic. Tho conductor must keep fifty or sixty streets In mind; ho limit bo sura to let the elderly lady off at 11k- oue ahe has been thinking of, and when she foils him be must not liupcsch her veracity If alio "Just knew" alio told hltn. Ho must not allow the man who Immerses himself lu s newspaper to Torget an obligation of tlvo cents to the company. He must curb a natural Inclination to embrace Hie wives or strangers when he llfis them up the steps. Ho must rull the attention of forgetful persona to tho fact that they aro chewing tobneco, or are drunk. Ho must arbitrate between the mini who opens the window nnd the womsn who wants It shut, nnd abut It, He must Insluunto himself up and down ths nlsla of bis cur without tipping standees luto tho laps of Irascible bankers, or trending on Die corns of such as wear them. And while others clutch nt straps or dust hoards ur doorknobs door-knobs or Hie cold tin rings his fares with. When the ninliiriiiuu Is seised with a sund'-n fremy for action he must never lie down ou the llour or lose his dignity. Ho run be philosophic philo-sophic nfter he grows lined to It, and rind adrnulngis In his wild career. As a conductor remarked, "The worst of golu' by 'li cirlcity Is It 'most shakes your liver out. llut you never lot dyspepsy." |