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Show Itlcksns and Ills Coronation. An Interesting contribution to the evening lucctlng of Hie Hos Club :.u association composed of those who knew and loved lilokeiis difYIng his liretlmo belli at Unnloa, was narrated by a peer, who himself has received it from the mouth of one who was pros-cut pros-cut with his peers ut the coronation of Queen Victoria. Tiny had assembled assem-bled 111 the abbey ut six o'clock lu the morning, Willi tho prospect of remaining remain-ing In their places for ton hours; but twenty-two peers clinic provided with copies of a paper-coveroil Installment, published tho previous evening, of u story by Hoz. Less fortuiiste peers demunded that the uuinber should be read aloud, but this proposal being ob jected to aa liicuualitenl Willi tho sane tlty of tho place, they waited as pn-tieutly pn-tieutly as they could until euch In bis turn rocelved the coveted chnpters. The point of the story, anys the Loudon (Iraphlc, la thut there wus in thut time lu L'nglaiid a novelist who, though only twenly-ali yenrs of uge, could cuiiiiiiiind the public Interest to such an extent that no fewer tbun twenty-two copies of his work were to be fouud lu unci gallery of tlnlt august au-gust assembly. |