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Show 1 Society MR. AND MRS. BRISTOL LEAVE. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bristol departed yesterday over the Southern Pac.il ic, for San Francisco, from which p rt, they will sail for Honolulu, Hawnil, on the steamship Ventura. They will Join Mr. and Mrs Chapln A Day, Mrs Bristol's parents, and their son, Chap In Day Bristol, in Honolulu FROM PARK CITY. Mrs. Reese Jones of Park City is visiting friends In Ogden. TO RESUME STUDIES. Miss June Scowcroft, daughtar of Mr and Mrs Joseph Scowcroft, and Miss Ellen Scowcroft, daughter of Mr. and Mrs lleber Scowcroft dopa i -d today for Washington, D C, whe-e they will resume their studies at N'a tional Park seminary. VISITED IN LOGAN. Miss Lillian Parrj has returned from Ljogaq, where she passed level 11 days visiting relatives and friends RETURNS HOME, Mrs. Ben Thompson, who passed the holidays visiting her mtoher in Wells sTev , has returned home. VISITING IN OGDEN Mrs Jopcph Murray and Miss Ruth Wiseman of Wells, Nev., are visiting Triends in Ogden. DEPART FOR SCHOOL Fletcher Scowcroft, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scowcroft; Richard Pierce, son of Mr, and Mrs. R. A, Pierce, and Paul Wattis, son of Mr., and Mrs. E. . Waitis, departed yesterday yes-terday for Delafield, Wis., to resume their studies at St. John's Military! academy. CONTINUE MUSICAL STUDIES The Misses Mary Parmley and Helen Hel-en Hunter have departed for Chicago to continue their musical studies Miss Parmley will resume her study of the violin at the Columbian School of Music and Miss Hunter will enroll with a private teacher for instruction on the cello. FROM WELLS Mrs. J. J. Schoer and daughter Josephine Jo-sephine of Wells, Nev , who uave been visiting friends in Ogden, departed yesterday for home. AT HOME Mr. and Mrs I). Krelnes are now at home to their friends, in their new home on Twenty-third street. MIRIAM CHAPTER MEETING. The next regular meeting of Miriam chapter, No. 14, E O S, will Lc held in the Masonic temple, Tuesday evening, eve-ning, January 9, at 8 o'clock, sharp. INSTALL OFFICERS. Iast Thursday, January 4. iho local G. A. R and Women's Relief Corps held a joint and public install a'ion -)t officers for 'he ensuing v.u sjtjj Judge Hulaniski as Installing officer for the veterans and Mrs Addi.' Williams Wil-liams installing officer for the WuiO' en's Relief corps. Nearly one huncn od persons, members and friends wora present urn! enjoyed a deli;.; hi i id program pro-gram appropriate to the occasion Iy Ihdhrook sang a pleasant aolo and Mrs. Frank Dodge gave a recitation. Several patriotic songs woer aung. Officers Installed In the U R. 0, were Sailio Michaels, president; Mary Brown, S V , Ella Inohretsen, J. V.; Mary Griffin, chaplain. Anna White, secretary, Ella Mitchell, treasurer; treas-urer; Sarah OJsen, guard, Margarof Downs, conductress; Annie W.ulman assistant conductress; Constancy Han. sen, assistant guard; Ellen Hubs, Mrsl color bearer, Pearl Elliot acconJ ul or bearer, Kate Frey, third color bearer, Sadie Baker, four'h color bearer; Mrs. Tyree, musician; Mrs. Harris, patriotic instductor and Mrs, Kate Toponce, press corresponded. A pleasant feature of the meorlni) was the talk given by Master Haild Hutton and Master Browne alao gave a delightful recitation. The meeting closed with all present singing the "Star Spangled Banner." nn |