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Show iFILIBOSTERERS S00T0NB0RDER New Hampshire Men Engage in Sharp Contest With Mexicans. Laredo, Texas. Jan. 7. Four alleged Mexican filibusters were either killed or badly wounded in an encounter last night with troops of the Fifteenth New Hampshire infantry reaching Laredo La-redo tonight Military headquarters here, however, denied having received any information regarding the reported report-ed fight. The New Hampshire troops under command of Major Orville Caine, doing do-ing patrol duty in the vicinity of Zapata, Za-pata, according to the report, camp upon an indefinite number of filibustered filibus-tered crossing the Rio Grande at Zapata. Za-pata. A clash followed. No mention is made of American casualties The same report says that Mexican revolutionists have captured Rami lene and Parral. two small villages about ten miles below the border from Zapata, Chihuahua city. Mexico. Jan. 6, via El Paso Junction. Jan. 7. Francisco Villa was cing toward Hacienda las Nlevea, southwest of Parral. when last seen by Carranza scouting parties, par-ties, according to private sources here. Las Nieves ranch was the place Villa was trying to reach al the time Major Frank Tompkins and his cavalry column col-umn pursued him into Parral Villa was accompanied by Jose Inez Sala-zaar. Sala-zaar. his second in command Nicolas Fernandez Bonifacio Torre and the two Murga brothers, the report said. Genera! Cavazos of the command of General Murguia. pursued Villa and his main command for nine miles along the Las Nelves road and killed a number of Villa"s rear guard, the report added To prevent Villa executing one of his characteristic coups and entering Chihuahua City while the major portion por-tion of the Carranza garrison are in the field. General Murguia has station ed General Hernandez at Satevo. southwest of the capital, with a sufficient suf-ficient force to precent Villa from advancing ad-vancing on the capital along the road from Parral to Chihuahua City. A military funeral was given Lieutenant Lieu-tenant Colonel Jesus Valdei R.. the second in command of the machine gun regiment, who fell fighting at Jiminez. Lieutenant colonel Valdez R was considered one of the heroes of the Jiminez battle as he led the chsffges against Villa's personal command. |