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Show ! r It Pays Let the people know what l you have to offer If you have a vacant room, advertise ad-vertise it. A two or three-line three-line want ad will help you 6ell your surplus stock, real estate, etc. II- IIIIMI I WANTED FEMALE HELP NEAT girl or woman tor light housework. house-work. 606 23d. 1-29-t A REFINED oapable voman for permanent per-manent business. Apply I,. M , care Standard. For either Ogden, Hooper. Layton f'armington. 1-28-lwk "wantedmale help IMMEDIATELY, several men under ;5, fair education, to prepare for government gov-ernment railway Mall Clerks, Utah. Salary $000 to $1800 Permanent. Fine opportunity now. For full Information and successful coaching address A. C. Hoff. President, Denver, Colo. 1-26-tf AGE of skilled labor. It becomes harder each year for unskilled men to find steady work. In the navy you will receive practical training and chance to learn a useful trade. Tay steady, and increases with competence. competen-ce. Apply for full information Navy Recruiting Station, 2408 Washington avenue, Ogden. Big salaries and steady employment for men with 6peclnl education not gener a I. Start that special I. C. S Course today. Results certain International Correspondence Schools, EccleB Bldg 1-11 tf situations wanted FAMILY washing wanted. Tel. 2324-W i 1-12-lmo ! J L. HUBERT, landscape gardener, '8 vca-s experience pruning trees and gnrubberv. Tel. 1049-J. 2245 Washing f ton Ave. 11-24-tf BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and board. 2333 Adams. 3 16 tf FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSES, ROOMS AND APARTMENTS. NICELY furnished up-lo date 3-room .iDartiuent. Ideal location, no children 2J41 Adams Ave. l-281wk , . , - MODERN furnished rooms with or without board. 539 23d. 1-28-lmo FEBRDARY 1, M-room nicely furnished furnish-ed apartment, piano; no children 2021 Washington. 1-28-lwk THREE-rooin modern house, close in: good yard. 248 29th. 581-J. 1-28-lwk WELL furnished, modern rooms, ex cellent location; prices reasonable. B63 25th St., phone 100 1-26-lwk THE Pearl furnished apartments Corner Cor-ner 27th and Grant. 1 28-tf TWO nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping, close in. 336 21st St 1-28 lwk I . ONE or two nice rooms, with or without with-out furniture. Call 1753, corner of Washington and Parry avenues. 1-27-lwk 2 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. house-keeping. 456 22d St. 1-26-lWk FURNISHED room for housekeeping. 2220 Lincoln. 1-26-tf FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, strictly modern 569 22d St. 1-23-1 k I NICE rooms for housekeeping. 2630 Adams. l-211k THREE furnished Housekeeping roums with bath, 2338 Wall. 1 4 tf Furnished sleeping rooms, 2526 Adams 1 14 lmo FURNISHED rooms and apartments 427 24th St. 1 2 311 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2353 Monroe. Mon-roe. 1-11-lmo APARTMENTS at 8634 Grant Ave 1-6 tf ROOMS for housekeeping, Utahna. 11-25-tf FOR RENT UNFURNISHED HOUSES, ROOMS & APARTMENTS. FOUR room house with large lot. trees. In railroad district. $12. J. J BrurnmlU, Phone 59. s i . 4- ROOM house, modern; 2138 Jefferson Jeffer-son aenue. 1-16-tf SEVEN-room bungalow, woll located on Bench, $25. J. J. Brummltt, Under Utah .National Bank. BUILDING at 2150 Wash. Ave. Suitable Suit-able for store room, garage or shop. Kelly & Herrlck. l-W-U 7- ROOM modern brick, in good condition. con-dition. Phoue 581-J. or 248 29th SL I- 9-lmo 5- ROOM. modern; close in. Purely, 2379 Hudson. Phone 485. 1-9-tf 8- ROOM brick house. 2171 Reeves Ave. Inquire 128 25th St. Phone 339. II- 14-tf MODERN 7-room, $20; 2644 Lafayette, near 26th and Jackson. Phone 1932-W. 11-4-tf ( ROOMS for housekeeping 2468 Wash- ElOHT-rooro house well located on 24th St. will Install steam heat It I necessary ; cheap on long lease to right party. J. J. Brummltt, Phone 59. GET THE HABIT- USE STANDARD WANT ADS Everybody reads the Want Ad page it' the medium of exchange for Real Estate, For Sale, Exchange, Rooms and Houses for Rent, Help Wanted, Positions Wanted, Etc CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Payable la advance. One oent per word per Insertion Inser-tion No first Insertion less than 25 eenta. Two or more lines, 25 cents per line per week 76 cent per line pes? snonth with no changes. "First In Everything LARGE, convenient Btarage room We- ii a FIVE-room house with one and om--half acres of choice fruit trees, well located in north part of city, will rent cheap t0 right party J. J. Brummltt. Brum-mltt. Under Utah National Bank. MODERN 7-room apartment In railroad rail-road district. $27.50. J. J. Brummltt, Phone 59. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED floral and hot house business well located; fine equipment and good stock. O. A. Kennedv, nnder Utah National Bank 1-27-lwk DRESSMAKING Mrs. Dale and Mrs Howard, Dressmakers. Dress-makers. 1184 Capitol Ave. 1-8-lmo DRESSMAKING and ladips' tailoring Mrs. Ryan. Phone 1261-J. 2536 Madison Personal NURSE 558 22d St. Phone 1656-R. 1-9-lmo YOUR combings made up and new switches for sale. Mrs. G. Dixon, 2266 Washington Ave. 1-4-lmo Chimney Sweep CHIMNEYS and furnaces cleaned. Satisfaction guaranteed Phone 1243 1-4-lmo VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. Bundy, removed from 2150 Wash to 2346 Hudson. Phone 828. 12-30-lmo LOST A BAY colt, 4 years old; star in forehead, fore-head, right ankle somewhat enlarged, suitable reward. Phone 2049-W. 1-28-lwk FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ONE singer sewing machine. 523 22i-Phone 22i-Phone 1386-J. 1-25-lwk S C. W LEGHORN hens and pullets Ferris and Yesterlard strain. Geo. Miles, R. R. 5,01 170, Ogden, Utah 1-23-1 v, k THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island cockerels, $1 5U and up. L. M. Onley, Hooper, R- F. D. 2. l-20-2wk? SLIGHT used piano to sell or rent cbeap. Pantone, 29th and Hudson. 1-16-lmo ST. ANDREASBERG Rollers, 2220 Lincoln Lin-coln Ave. 1 12 tf OLD mats for sale again at the Standard Stand-ard office 25c per 100; first come, first served. 1-2-tf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS A DAIRY farm to rent, or will work for wages; excellent butter maker. Box K 6, Standard. 1-28-lwk WANTED--Cleest, white old rsjfs, at tho Standard of flee. Phone 66, 360 24th St. 1 3 tf MONEY TO LOAN " uiAAiUNDS, watshea, jewelry, gua, etc. ThomaB Loan office, Grant & 25th C 18 lyr MORTGAGE loans on farm or city property. O. A. KENNEDY, Basement Base-ment of Utah National Bank Bldg. 1 19 tt MONEY to loan on real estato security. secur-ity. J. J. Brummltt. 27 tf $2500 for 3 years on improved real estate. Kelly & Herrlck. 3-15-tf WHEN you want $10 or more ASK MR. DIX, 218 Col. Hudson Building-Salaried Building-Salaried people can get It without ecurlty. Others on Furniture, Pianos, Pia-nos, etc Can he ropaid in small weekly or monthly payment. FOR SALE 1 REAL ESTATE ; TWO-room house on car line; sidewalk side-walk and sewer. Box 639 Ogden. 1-28-lwk 4-ROOM. modern, brick on 30th near Washington. Will take auto in deal Phone 2391-J. 1-27-lwk ROOMING house, 16 rooms, hot and cold water, bath, clothes closets; sell reasonable. 330 24th St 1-27-lwk IF you want a good home or vacant lot on installments at the least possible pos-sible price, don't fail to soe R. C. Mc-Bnde. Mc-Bnde. phone 1427. 1-26-tf GOOD building lots, 25x120 feet, near new can factory City water and sidewalk, side-walk, $125. Pay $25 cash and $10 per month. Only six left. O A Kennedy, Basement Utah Nat'l bank . 1-25-lwk $700 will buy. if taken at once, lot 40x264 feet to alley; close in on Bench; 6ldewalk and sewer paid; soil unsurpassed. Phone 2038-J. Terms. 1-15-tf FOR quick returns, list your vacant or improved property with R C. Mc-Bride, Mc-Bride, phone 1427. 1-26-tf County Real Estate For Sale SIX acres on heavy loam soil in West Ogden at $225 00 per acre. C. B. Eisen-beig, Eisen-beig, real estate, room 17, Com. Nat l. Bank. Phone 343-W and 2246-W. 1 9-tf SACRIFICE SALE. m FOR SALE Farm near Ogden; fin? orchard; best bargain In state. W7ili dhide and sell In tracts Residence in city at half value. A. W. Agee. 1-2-lmo l ALIAS SUMMONS. In the District Court of the Second Judicial District, County of Weber State of Utah. Jessie M. Chez, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph J, Harrison, and his wife, Elizabeth A. Harrison, and the unknown heirs at law, devisees and legatees of Joseph Jo-seph J. Harrison, and his wife, Elizabeth Eliza-beth A. Harrison, Mabel L. McClure, and her husband, John Doe McClure. whose other and true name is not known, und the unknown heirs at law. devisees and logatees of Mabel L. McClure. Mc-Clure. and her husband. John Doe Me Clure, whose other and true name is unknown; Adele M. Bryan, and her husband John Doe Bryan, whose other; and true name is unknown, and the ' unknown heirs at law, devisees and1 legatees of Adele M. Bryan, aud her husband, John Doe Bryan, whose 1 other and true name is unknown; and all creditors of Joseph J. Harrison, Elizabeth A. Harrison. Mabel L. McClure. Mc-Clure. John Doe McClure, whose other and true name Is unknown, Adele M. Bryan, and John Doe Bryan, whosf Other and true name is unknown;! and all other unknown persons, whose names are unknown, who hao or claim to have any right, title or in terest in and to the real estate described de-scribed In the complaint now on file, Defendants. The State of Utah to the Said Defendants. De-fendants. You are hereby summoned to appear ap-pear within twenty days after service of this Summons upon you. if served within the County in which this action is brought; otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the ' abov e entitled action , and in case of your failure so to do. judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. This action I? brought to recover a judgment quieting plaintiff's title to the following described land situated In Weber County, State of Utah, to wit: A part of Lot Four (4), in Block Thirty-five (35), Plat MC" Ogden City Surve ; Beginning at the South West corner of said Lot 4, and running thence East G6 feet, thence North 165 feet, thence West 66 feet, thence South 165 feet to place of beginning; and being a part of the South East Quarter of Section 28, Township 6, North of Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, United States Survey. JOSEPH CHEZ. A. C GORDON'. Attorneys for Plaintiff P. O. Address; Rooms 402-3-4 First National Bank Building, Ogden, Utah Advertisement. Hubby You didn't tell the secrets of vour club. I hope? Wife Well, that woman was such a poor conversationalist I didn't have anv thing lo talk about. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OGDEN, UTAH. U. S. DEPOSITARY. Capital $150,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Undivid-ed Profit 250,000.00 Deposit! $3,000,000.00 M. 8. Browning, President I John WiUon, Vice-President L, R. Eccleo, Vice-President R. B. Porter, Vice-President Walter J. Beatle, Cashier. Jai. F. Burton, Asst. Cathlar. SLADE TRANSFER AUTO TRUCKS Phone 321. Office 410 25th St. Daily Want Ads are great aid to small business. A few lines run daily cost but little, but the returns will urprise you. vant Vacuum Cleaners I rented and for sale. ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. I Phone 88. Up 24th St. Accordion Plaiting Done in all lengths. 25G8 Cole's Court, rear 240 26th St Tel. 11S0-M. Abstract of Title Abels, the Abstractor, moved to 416 24th Street, Phone 1491-W. Quick and Competent Service; prlceg reasonable. Automobile Painting Your auto needs paint- We the best wo : at the lowest price. Get cir estimate. Ogden Carriage Co., 1701 Washington Ave. Phone 1026-W. Auto Tops and Trimming Call at 2113 Hudson and let ua figure fig-ure with you for new auto tops, seat covers, new celluloid lights and all work pertaining to auto trimming. Wellington Auto Top Co.. Salt Lake. Phone 517-W. l-2G-lmo Assay Office Union Assay Office. Inc., 152-154 South West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. P. O. Box 1446. ORPHEUMl I LOEWS VAUDEVILLE TODAY I SIX Excellent Acts SIX H ONE OF THE BEST SHOWS IN SIX WEEKS. H - Matinee at 3 p. m. Night 7:30-9:15 10c-20c 10c-20cJ0c , I EXCURSIONS 1 I VIA THE H DENVER &PIQ ftRMTOE; I WESTERN PACIFIC, PANAMA-EXPOSITION The Feather River Canyon Route. h38 San Francisco and Return $35.00 H San Francisco via Los Angeles and Return 40.00 r9 January 30th, Return Limit March 15th. rata San Francisco and Return $35.00 fraN San Francisco via Los Angeles and Return 35.00 RfM February 9, 15, Return Limit March 20th. ON February 16, 17, 18. Return Limit March 10th. jrfrBj San Diego side trip $5.00 additional. i Stopovers allowed and diverse route permitted. , mSt EAST Ii Chicago and Return $59 75 KgD St. Louis and Return 51.20 K February 3, 4, Return Limit March 4th. 9 Baggage checked from any part of city to destination. F. Fouts, Telephone City Ticket Office I General Agent. 634 Eccles Building. rj sjssjBjBjsssBBHlaHalHHaVBBaVHHHHHBBHBHHIHBS j Business Directory I Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing Wo furnish all kinds of rubber tires. Carriages, buggies, wagons, automobiles, automo-biles, etc.. repaired. 1 New wagons made to order. O E. Savage. Cor. Washington and 2nd St Phone 339-W Chile Con Carne Chill Con Came, Chicken Tamalea. Fresh Clam Chowder at Grelners. Phone 339. City Scavenger Citv Scavenger, McCarty & Co , 2723 Orant. Bell phono 2018-W. Counselor-at-Law Lawver O'Connullv over Commercial Commer-cial National Bank Bldg-, 369 24th St. Phono 11. Carpet Cleaning K. Van Kampen Phone 883 for upholstering, up-holstering, mattross making, restrctch-ing restrctch-ing of bed springs. Chiropractors F. J. Freeno. , D. C, Graduate Chiropractor Chir-opractor No druga. surgery or osteopathy; os-teopathy; try chiropractic. Rooms 212-213-214 Col. Hudson Bldg. Phono 311 R. J. Schultz, Chiropractor. 327 Hudson Bldg Res. phone 16.2-R. Electrical ae Read the Classified Ads. Employment Agency. Japanese interpreter and employment employ-ment agent; for contract and farm work Thomas Kado. Room 12, Commercial Com-mercial Nat. Bank Bldg. 1 14-lmo Furrier and Taxidermist FURS cleaned, remodeled, In latest styles; prices reasonable. T. A. Ga-Jewsky, Ga-Jewsky, 2516 Washington Ave. 1-5-lmo Fruits Fresh fruits and candieB delivered to anv part ot city. G. Kallas, 224 25th St. Phone 587. Grocery and Bakery Try our be;?t quality coffee, 40c the lb. Also good cheaper grades, 25c to 35c. lb Phone 1145-W. J. J- Schwartz, Sch-wartz, 2234 Jefferson Ave. Groceries Also agent for V. S Cream Separators Separ-ators and O. K, Electric Washing Machines. Ma-chines. RUSSELL-JAMHS CO. Ererythlng to eat and then some. Hotel Safety, comfort, moderate. New' Brlgham liotel. 24 Lh and Wall One block from depot. Only fire-proof hotel in the city. Reduced rates for permanent guests Rates, 75c and up. Theo. Gorle, Prop. Jeweler A full lino of fino Jewelry and watches. wat-ches. Watch repairing a specialty. H. F Upp. 2476 Grant Ave. MAZDA LAMPS MAZDA FLASHLIGHT LAMP8, 13c ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Phone 88. Up 24th St. Meat Market Russell-James Company. Also a full line of groceries. "Everything to eat" See our Dept of Household Needs. Cor. 24th and Lincoln Ave. Phones 412 and 413. Monumental Work SEE MITCHELL BROS, for monumental monu-mental work. Don't pay big commission commis-sion to agents. Pictures of monuments monu-ments are misleading, 2003 Jef. P. 2218 Modern Plumbing J. H WILLIAMS, Modern .urnbing and gpncral repairing, 150 Patterson avenue Phone 1186. A CLEVER HUSBAND. "So your wife has stopped bothering bother-ing you for an automobile?" "Yea, I tipped off a palmist she patronizes pat-ronizes to warn nor against ever riding rid-ing in one" Times-Picayune. Notary Public O. A IZpnnedy Basement Utah National Na-tional Bank Building. 1 19 tf I New and Second-hand Goods ALVORD & ANYTHING, A" to Z." SING It and RING it 333-W. 2 2 tf f Photo5?rapher J The Nogglo Studio. Fine portraits, I views. All kinds of commercial work. ! Best kodak finishing in the city. I Phone 38S-J. 416 24th St j Painting and Decorating I I We will hang your wall paper We will paint your "house. We will tell you how to do it yourself Griffin A Paint Co., 2310 Washington Ave. Physician and Surgeon Dr. A Fernlund, Physician and Sur. geon. Office hours ll to 4 p. m. New Peerv Bldg. Hudson Ave. Phone 1900-W Residence phone 2129-W. 646 I Wash. Ave. j Printing For good and up-to-dato Printing call ,1166. r.'3-Neuteboom. 2362 Wash. Av. I Real Estate J. J. Rrummitt, Ioans, Insurance, Real Estate, 2402 Washington Ave. Under Utah National Bank Phone o9. Second-hand Goods New and Second-hand furniture, clothing and 6hoes, bought, sold or ex- ' ; changed; also trunks and suitcases J cheap. A. Siner, Phone 1321. 179 1-2 Twenty-fifth St. 6 13 lyr I Sanitary Work 1 Your Garbage hauled regular Sani- 1 tary can furnished free. Sanitary Gar- I bage Co.. Phono 620. Storage Batteries m Recharged, repaired, stored; satis- fl faction guaranteed. Electric Service j Co , 425 24th St I Watchmaker and Jeweler J SMALLKY'S Watchmakers, Jewel- ers and Engravers. 336 Twenty-fifth 1 street. Phone 1309-J. (J) J. P. Arnoldc, Practical Expert- H fffil enced Watchmaker. Next to tho H Orpheum Theatre. j Western Foundry and Machine Co. ! Ail kinds of brass and iron castings Uaohlna, Boiler and Sheet iron Work, Phone 647. Read the Classified Ads. 1 Read the Classified Ads. I |