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Show SCHOOLS VISITED BY TIE WOMEN The city schools wero viitd today by represented res. of the Clric loU as follows: Lewis, Mrs. J. C. CoJle.y; Central j junior high. Mrs, PbU Knisely; Doe ! junior, Mrs. Gordon; Pingre. Mrs. Sheehan. Qmncy. Mrs. Casey. Grant, Mrs. Putnam; Madleon, Mrs Mills; Iyorln Farr. Mrs, Jay Smith; Mound I Fort and F1t Points, Mre. Porter; j Washington. Mrs. Hale, and West Og- tlon Mrs. Clark. The visltinig appointments WSBH 1 mndf by Mrs. Knisely. president of j the league, and the purpose of the vlpltn was to organize branches of i the ,eague of Good Citizenship. Last 1 year the league was recognized as , having done much toward securing for Ogden the clean-town prize and a big effort Is to be made this year to I surpass last year's record. The plans and purposes of the Civic league, according to a report which is to be presented by Mrs Knlsely, at its next regular meeting, are as ' follows Social Service To study measures relative to the civic development of Ogden and the community, i To co-operate in home and school u ork. Taking the home as a national civic , unit, the focal poinl of living. Into tho ; home are poured all the products of th r world food. water, clothing, friends, books and furnishings. Homo keepers' influence reaches out into the world, determining not only what kind of goods shall be produced, pro-duced, but controlling the conditions under which they are produced. Home altruism. The school as a social or civic center cen-ter To develop landscape, flower and vegetable gardening throughout the city. In the home, and in the school, believing that gardening promotes pro-motes health and a better knowledge of nature, furnishing a continuous in terest through the summer It keeps the children at home and off the street, arouses a common interest in thp family and reduces the cost of living Creates a love and appreciation of the beautiful and wholesome in our every-day life Creates sympathy which finds expression ex-pression in establishing homes, hospitals, hos-pitals, asylums and schools for homeless home-less children. To work for civic renters as a means to development of this end oo |