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Show - i Deaths and Funerals PARR The funeral of Ralph D. Farr the infant son of Mr. and MrB. Ralph Farr was held yesterday from the residence of S. S. Smith. 3187 Adams avenue Bishop W O. Ridges presided and was one of the speakers. The other speaker was Charles Woods. Special music was furnished by Lil lian Scott and Mrs Florence Walker. The interment was made in tho City cemetery, the gravo being dedicated by J. Wooley. FREBORG ndrew Freborg died nt 12 GO a. m. today at the family residence, 2720 Monroe avenue. He was born at Vrcmland. Sweden. August Au-gust 2 1854. He emigrated to America Amer-ica in 1880 and had lived in Ogden Bllice 1892. He is survived by his wife four daughters and three sons The ' funeral announcements will be made later. . , X.vlna MYERS The lunerai ui Myers was held yesterday at 2 p, m. in the Larkin chapel, with Rev. H. D Zimmerman officiating Special mu-cic mu-cic was furnished b Maud Farley. hi interment was made in the City cemetery. GREYLESS Tb three-weeks' oU! hahe of Mr. and Mrs. John M Qrey-less Qrey-less died at the family home. 2334 Wall avenue, this morning Funeral services will be held at 10 30 a m tomorrow Interment in Ogden City cemetery. JENKINS The body of Jesse Jenkins Jen-kins who was drowned in a ship disaster dis-aster about a week ago off the coast of California, will be brought to Ogden Og-den tomorrow evening at 6 o c ock and Mineral services wlU be held a th(5 Kirkendall chapel Wednesday at n m Mr. Jenkins was a former Ogdeuite A sister, Mrs. Bell, reside at promontory Point. Other re) tives live in Ogden. |