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Show STANDARD TELEPHONES. For Editorial, New and Society Department, Call Only Phone No. 421. For Subscription and Advertising Department, Call Phone No. 56. RANDOM REFERENCES Good watcher ft Price. 278 25th. - M. Jude and E J. Neutebooni were arrested Saturday evening by Sergeant Ser-geant O. H. Mohlman. on the charge or disturbing the peace. Dr, Coulter and Dr. BartletL First Kational Bank Building. Phone 96 Advertisement. Arretted Claudle Louis and Jennie Ross were taken into custodv Satur day night at 254 1-2 Twenty-fifth street, by Sergeant Mohlman They v ere booked on charges of vagrancy and released on payment of $100 bail. COAL All kinds. If. L. Jones Coal and Ice Co., office 413 24th St Thefts L Gordon reported tho theft of a quilt to the police Saturday Satur-day evening. Will Taylor of Harris-vine Harris-vine reported the theft of a lap robe; Wilford Little of 2827 Plngree avenue ave-nue reported the loss of a tool chest valued at $8. and B. BaMantyne of .".21 Healy avenue, Robert Thomas of "ve avenue and Erastus Spidwell of .13 Twenty-fifth street reported that i heir bicycles had been &tolen. There is no doubt about the superior su-perior quality of B & G Clover Leaf Butter. J. D. Howell of the Utah Agricultural Agricul-tural college addressed a large congregation con-gregation at the Seventh ward chapel on the subject, "The Divine Authenticity Authen-ticity of the Book of Mormon." The address proved very interesting. Dv ight Bramerd was brought to Orgden yesterday, from Salt Lake City, by Desk Sergeant Walter Wilson. Wil-son. It is said that he is wanted here on the charge of bicycle stealing. Lsprobe Taken Parley Wright reported re-ported the theft of a laprobe valued at ?15. to the police last night The robe was taken from his automobile. Orval Olson of 2762 Volker avenue, reported the theft of a bicvele, valued at $10. Demurrer In the case of the Amal gamatcd Sugar company against W T Wyment et si., directors and trustees trus-tees of the Weber County Livestock company, the defendants have demurred de-murred to the complaint on the alleged al-leged grounds that it does not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action. Chri6man Estate In the estate of Harriett L, Chrisman, deceased, the petition for approval of final account and for distribution of the estate has been granted and a decree issued. Baby Born A 10-round boy was bom to the wife of John R. Morris at 5.30 this morning at their home in Marriott. New Residence On Twelfth street, between Washington and Adams avenue. ave-nue. George Sharratt is building a residence that will cost in the neighborhood neigh-borhood of $1500. Soldiers Two cars of United States soldiers arrived in the city today to-day from Jefferson barracks, on Denver Den-ver & Rio Grande train No. 1. There were 65 enlisted men in the party and they are en route to Vancouver, Washington. Wash-ington. Prominent Officials Mr and Mrs F. A Vanderllp and W. H Kierman were scheduled to pass through Og-den Og-den today for Salt Lake. Mr Vanderllp Van-derllp is "a director of the Union Pacific Pa-cific system and Mr. Kierman is a director of the Gallatin Valley railroad rail-road They are occupying Union Pa cific private car "Overland' and are going to Los Angeles from Salt Lake City. Supt. T. F. Rowlands of the Salt Lake division of the Southern Pacif ic is expected to arrive home tonight from an inspection trip Walter Hardy departed today for Los Angeles on a combined pleasure and business trip. Charles S Lee, traveling freight and passenger agent of the Salt Lake Route, was in Ogden today on business. busi-ness. Charged With Theft A complaint was sworn out today bv Patrolman Blackburn against "Kid" Carter, charging him with the theft of a gold watch and chain from Robert Mc-Cann Mc-Cann Carter is a negro and is now serving a 15-day sentence in the city j jail on a drunk charge. He got drunk, according to his confession, on money secured from pawning the stolen watch and chain. Charles L. Gray departed today on the Los Angeles Limited for Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. E. M Tower is to leave tomorrow tomor-row on the Pacific Limited for Great Bend, Kansas Many Cases of Smallpox Two more cases of smallpox were placed under quarantine yesterday by officers of the city health department. The af- I Layne of 2231 Grant avenue, and Ar thur Hutchlns of 124 Twenty-seventh street. This makes fire cases of tho disease under quarantine. School House Dedication Nest Friday Fri-day the county board of education will dedicate the new schoolhouse at Kanoaville An appropriate program will be given. Snow In Canyon "Billy" Wilson reports that about five inches of snow fell in the higher altitudes In tho vicinity of the Hermitage last night, and that the top of the mountain north of the resort is covered with about nine inches of snow. Boy Arrested W. A Holmes reported re-ported the theft of a ,25-calibre Colts automatic revolver to the police thiB i lornlng. He stated that the gun had been stolen from his room. Detective De-tective George Wardlaw was put on the case and about 1 p m. arrested an 18-year-old youth named Manning at Twenty-fifth street and Washing ton avenue. The boy hzd the gun in his possession and is being held at the city jail for an investigation. Nine transients were taken into cus-tcday cus-tcday this morning by Officers Heara and Manzel and Chauffeur Guy Nelson Nel-son on West Seventeen tli street. The run to the place was made in the auto-patrol in answer to a call from a resident of that district, who stated that the men were killing and cooking some chickens which they had stolon The officers state that they not only found evidence that the statement of their informant was correct, cor-rect, but that the men had also barbecued bar-becued and eaten a young pig The skin of the pig was found near the plate where the "big feed" was held. |