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Show I' CLIFFORD G. ROE TO SPEAK IT TIE TABERNACLE l A coming event of importance is the leoture to be given by Attorney Clifford -O. Roe of Chicago in the if Tabernacle, Monday evening, Febru- il ary 2, at 8 o'clock. He will speak a '1 oh the subject, "The "White Slave 3 Traffic" j Mr. Roe was the first champion to i enter the field to combat this sys- i '( tem of slavery as a prosecutor. 1 ' Through his active prosecution of ') the white Blave traffic, he Is known 1 throughout the country. Ho has in- 1 vaded halls, church, and all places i t where men and women meet together ' K from New York to San Francisco, ' ? I and from Now Orleans to Duluth, r:. : Minn, He has stirred up his fellow rf. ; men to unite and rise against the il i arch enemies to society, who are J luring women aind young girls to destruction. In a campaign through if. Texas recently, he addressed im- 9 ( mense audiences, ranging from 6000 ; j to 8000 people, and the interest and i enthusiasm was so great, that bet- i I ter and more stringent laws were de- ' maa'ded for the regulation of the I white Blave traffic. y A Boston paper in speaking of Mr. ".; Roe says: 'Clifford G. Roe is the f nemesis of the white slave traffic. ' Although a hoy in appearance, his . enthusiasm Is electrical." The De- trolt Free Press says: "Clifford G. k ; Roe has the power to hold an audi- i I ence that but few men possess, be I they old or young. Tonight when i I he spoke on the white slave traffic, i hundreds were turned away, unable ' to find standing room even." i Mr. Roe Is now president of the ; American Bureau of Moral Education. "We are reaching the masses by educating ed-ucating them," he says. "You think y ; that there has been a change in sen- tlmept, in morals, in the last five j j years. Wait five more! Walt ten i years." j i For one year he was attorney for 1 John D. Rockefeller, Jr., in his New J York investigation of vice conditions. 3 He has acted as general counsel for ,j the American Vigilance association. The lecture In the Tabernacle will ; he free to the public, though Mr. i Roe ts a high-priced man. Feeling ! ; the need of such a lecture, friends wh6-love righteousness, and are hop- i ing for a new moral awakening to ; sweep acroBB the land, have provided ' ; thin lecture for Ogden. Mr. Roe 4 will tell amazing stories to awaken the moral sense of an indifferent i public. nn |