Show CASE OF KILKENNY FELINES SAYS TELEGRAM salt lake evening paper describes physical conflict being waged in that city from tuesdays standard the salt lake telegram has the following to say as to the utahna controversy tro versy its story Is reproduced for what its worth and without comment believing that his father was being given the worst of it E R gourley son of william R gourley started la with an ax this morning to do things to his fathers opponents in the unique amusement company imbroglio first he took an ax and hewed down a window of the theatre building next hs broke open a door and let himself into the office which had been taken possession of by the opposition by opposition Is meant george J kelly dr baker 0 M runyon and R A grant all of ogden when he got at the opposition young mr gourley whose temper was away up to the sizzling point and fast waxing hotter shook his fists at mr kelly and mr runyon and threatened to do all sorts of things to them and that he meant to do things there is no doubt however as was best for all concerned cooler judgment prevailed and the young man was restrained by the strong arms of four or five wiser ones among whom was his father situation critical the situation is a critical one and Is the result of a change inthe ownership of the company for a time this morning it was feared that serious trouble might ensue the opposition held the tort and still held it up to the closing of this article but there Is an air of suppressed excitement and eves hose in the know did not hesitate to say that things might break again at any moment it ia a regular little war there are two belligerents composed respectively of the opposition from ogden and the local end of the amuse also there is manager dignan of the utahna stock company who says he h as rights in the premises and is holding them mr dignan also forced his way into the theatre this morning dmd the act ia said to have been as realistic as any ever depicted on the histrionic boards of the little playhouse proposes to remain perhaps mr dignan will be thrown out before the end of the day it ha is the ejectors eject ors will have to reckon with about eight brawny armed big cheated fellows who sit among the wings and twiddle heavy looking canes they are not the kind that dudes suck upon the war cloud has been brewing for some months it waa a case of tha kilkenny felines with ogden at ona end of the string and salt lake at the other ogden thought that W R gourley was practicing too much nepotism so ogden set about trying to change things the bylaws by laws required attendance of four out of five directors ogden had three of them the Gour ieya the other two the Gourie ys refused to attend meetings no quorum consequently a deadlock then ogden got busy and saturday there was a stockholders meeting ogden voted odd shares the Gour leys some now a quorum consists of only ahrea directors the change having been made at the meeting saturday then a meeting was called for tomorrow and it Is expected things will go ogdena way anticipating trouble anticipating trouble the ogden gentlemen assisted by eight healthy looking friends in whom they have great confidence as protectors from physical barm descended upon the physical property of the amusement company and locked themselves inside and everybody else outside last night there they held the garrison until this morning the first escapade was attempted by young mr gourley no attempt it is said was made to resist but when he had penetrated to the innermost of the fort he was fallen upon and encircled by a bunch of strong willing and ambitious arms and forced to vacate As to W R gourley the enemy says as one man that his conduct throughout was most gentlemanly while the attack on the citadel as it were was being engineered a flanking attack was being waged against the stage doors tha leader of this attack was manager dignan and his utahna stock company Hs sortie was successful and he led his cohorts of actors to the center of the stage where a rehearsal of new england folks was going on pending application for a writ of ejectment which it was whispered was being sought by the gentlemen from ogden leader dagnan claims be has a lease which makes good his right to the theater until september 12 his excuse tor breaking down adors and things no blood was spilled but it boiled pretty hagh all parties to the battle claim to be in the right and promise to proceed in legal manasr an armistice is now in force but there is no telling when the activities may break out afresh tomorrows directors meeting may settle the affair but it looks now as though nothing but the intervention of legal proceedings would lay the trouble beann alle the ogden interests haa ha a possession of tho office and 1 angly promise to hold the fort however the salt lake interest has watchers in the office and each side is warning tho other not to tamper with the papers of the company |