Show homes of rockefeller and others were endangered new york aug 8 st thomas episcopal church at fifth avenue and fifty third street one ol 01 the most richly furnished religious edifices in america was wrecked by alre today within a block of the ruined church are the homes of halt a score of the count rys wealthiest men on fifty fourth street directly in the rear la the city residence of john D rockefeller and nearby are the residences ol 01 william rockefeller H mck twombly colonel J J mccook and the home of the late daniel S lament the hotel st reals Is scarcely one block scores of the finest city homes in america are in the scene of which st thomas church was practically the center the fira was confined to the church defective electric wiring is supposed to have started the fire the loss is estimated by fire chief Cro kerat least a quarter of a million dollars only a mere shell of stone walls was left standing and many valuable has were ruined one bronze has relief called the adoration of the cross and valued at was totally destroyed two large paintings the resurrection and christ healing the sick were also burned john la farge executed the paintings and the bas relief was from augustus st gaudens Gaud ets sumptuous altar and chancel furnishings including a organ were destroyed by the alre for a time john D rockefellers Rocke fellers home was in danger firemen who stood with their hose lines in the windows of mr rockefellers Rocke fellers home concentrated the streams of water on the foot itono stono tower of the church which tor a time threatened to topple over on the rockefeller house owing to the intense beat at the towers base the church which was closed for the summer has stood on its present eite tor fifty years and has been the scene of americas brilliant weddings the furnishings of the residence of GOULDS IN automobile acca DENT dieppe france aug S george J could accompanied by mrs gould was returning yesterday from saint valery en caux his motor car skidded mrs gould waa thrown out bruising her leg but not seriously the car pursued a wild course with mr gould clinging to it down a deop teop incline but was finally stop ped by a hedge mr gould was not injured dr W were damaged by firemen abo broke into the house in order to dra their hose to an advantageous vant ageous position YELLOW FEVER in CALLAO callao peru aug 8 the first case of yellow fever developed yesterday in the delia vista hospital at callao |