Show WT II 11 aa C i SST calr A burning of property has handicapped Handi the road new york aug S strenuous efforts were made by the management of the delaware lackawanna western railroad today to bring into new york the thousands of commuters whose homes are along its route and to overcome the handicap imposed by the destruction of the railroad station ferry slips and partial loss of two ferry boats last night after a hurried consultation wath the officials of the erie and pennsylvania railroads tho lackawanna railroad trains were diverted to tha stations of those two railroads in jersey city A hundred extra trolley cars were sent through the suburban section of new jersey to bring tho commuters to the newark station of the pennsylvania railroad ferry boats were added to the terry lines of the erie and pennsylvania railroads to take care of the heavy increase of traffic thrown upon those two lines it la estimated that tha loss to the lackawanna railroad by the fire will be to repair the damage every mechanic on the line who can ba spared has been bordered to come to hoboken and it ls announced chati within a week the lackawanna road will be able to handle its own traffic RECEIVER APPOINTED new york aug judge adams of th U S district court has appointed a receiver in bankruptcy for the assets of the american knit good manufacturing fac turing company whose la in brooklyn the bond of the receiver was fixed at abo company was incorporated on july 1 1902 with a capital stock of the liabilities are reported to be about LIMIT TO exaggeration portsmouth aug 8 on the way from boston mr watte dictated a statement concerning dispatches from tokio mr wittes statement Is as i follows I 1 have read in the telegram from aklo that the japanese captured soldiers on the island of sakhalin Sak halin during the recent operations there now so far as I 1 know the whole garrison in sakhalin Sak halin island consists of no more than it Is a fact that the russian soldiers HO not surrender and it we take into consideration that some of the soldiers ot the island garrison were killed hen the number jf captured could not even reach I 1 do not wish at all to minimize tho successes or bravery of the japanese but at the sama time all the people of russia and myself cannot help being surprised at the cables which have reached us during the war from tomo according to them it all the russian soldiers which have from time to time seen reported from tokio as captured tilled or wounded had in tact been captured killed or wounded by the jap adeee russia would not at this timo possess any army at all and then my journey to the united states would be quite superfluous reading these cabled a well known russian probert prore rt comes to my memory I 1 might translate it thus one bosn exaggerate but there is a limit ao ex |