Show baue ahmes swept over passengers on front seat new York Aug 8 through the short cn ot a controller box on the front ot a trolley car in brighton beach last night two persons were fatally burned and two others seriously injured two ot tha number were women A large crowd returning from tho beach was on board the car which was an open one four passengers were on the front seat behind the motorman when the latter threw oft the power at neck road and applied his brake there was a blinding flash followed by screams ot pain from those near the motor box enveloped in a sheet ot blue fire they leaped over the dashboard and saved them belvea from death all the lights were extinguished and there was a terrific scramble among the crowd to reach the ground several women and children were severely bruised before order was restored SLAVERY IN THE NORTH indian girls are sold to white men vancouver B C aug 8 A report i has been made to the provincial by constable jones who has jut re turned from the indian tillage at cape mudge stating that to that set clement there Is open traffic la indiana girls jones found a number of well 1 authenticated cases where halt breed and quarter breed girls have recently been eold to white men at prices ranging lOO to A complete investigation will be made by tha authorities PARIS IS interested paris aug 8 diplomats and gori eminent officials are manifesting tha greatest interest relative to tha outcome of the peace conference the recent pessimism had almost entirely disappeared and a feeling 0 conal l dence reigna that the conference will eventuate in a satisfactory arrangement the buoyant tendency of the bourse where russian securities are very firm shows that this view is also prevalent in commercial circles BROKERS OUT OF BUSINESS scalping law has been disastrous to them portland ore aug 8 As a result ot the decision ot the state circuit court upholding the railroad anti scalp ng law passed by the last legislature I 1 G caspar the broker upon whom a est of the law was made has paid his ine in the municipal court and together with the other eighteen brokers under arrest has agreed to leave tha city and close his establishment in railroad ail road circles no little degree of sat Is expressed at the victory YELLOW FEVER IN MEXICO mexico city aug S the superior board ot health report civo cases ot yellow fever in the republic four at vera cruz and one at one patient died at vera cruz wednesday and another case was discovered on the same day ly DEATH ON CANAL division engineer succumb to yellow bevar washington aug 8 the isthmian canal commission today re calved a cablegram from governor magoon announcing the death of A G a division engineer at culebra from yellow fever was from st louia mo two new cases of yellow fever were reported juan barrero a spanish non employed at panama and william curnow an american employed at culebra |