Show strike conditions serious missoula mont aug 7 strike conditions on the rocky mountain division are serious it is true that aeoma passenger trains are coming into division headquarters on time but others are from tour to six hours late wires commercially and otherwise have been broken during the last few days and missoula hy been practically isolated rush business has been accepted by the western union but flags have been working on the railroad perishable freight has been and is being refused by the northern yester day trainmen held a and decided ahey would accept no more or dem by telephone as they fel danger confronts them superintendent glegon says he has received no such communication from trainmen and bis report io manager horn at st paul says everything is moving here fruit shipments are not being accepted and tr ainson the bitter root and coeur dalene branches are working carefully division headquarters claim that the strike is won but fhe chairman kelly acting tor the operators for a chow down on schedule of time demonstrated |