Show to wl W l vo anni easo Is at hand and this store cun can supply you with acry thing ou oil need fruit bottles of all sizes as well as capi caps and rubbers for your old jara jars also j jelly elly glasses 1 hen we arc are ili position to give you the lowest possible price on oil the augar that our bottled fruit and pres presence cries will require cometo Co naoto this store for choice green groceries in fienson u fine line title of canned goods PRICE TRADING TRA DING CO 0 PRICE UTAH A NE 11 11 U I 1 hoell lake city utah 49 ROOMS ROWS BATHS eiloo sh PER PEP DAY AND UP heid headquarters quarters for or car carbon bon cound people a 4 ke irant 6 w r cv 10 v ns for batt better S service Q r v i C il ak it is b our aim to give you the best goods beet beat attention fairest prices best beat service there will always be imperfections aad we want you to report any that come to your attention there is no telling how splendid we can make this store and its service it if you will just help by telling us of our failings summer apples apple are here prices according acco iding to quality small fruits are all gone plums peaches and anti arrive ia in fine condition all our old price prices are in effect on luncheon meats fish 0 jams and jellies pickles olives pork and beans crackers cookies and ad royal bread grape juice 10 1 25 and per bottle t 0 A T IC e va i rw 11 mm hlll Z win amri A full line of all mccunis and pla t r rolls at the burgener Bur yener music house price mah U 13 W 8 8 particular printing promptly abid proper 13 done nt at the tile nev nes Attio allocate cate phone ilione 12 2 if tt after aou a have bave awen en those little fairies at the methodist churtz li monday monda evening ou aill M aitt one in III dour our home horne it 11 k w ft 3 S 0 CJ note books books 1 epenter tp enter paper counter pads receipt books scale 1 bockx coupon books at tit the nent ad oate tf w have on ou bought a ticket to the entertainment riven b the children nt at the methodist Meth odst church macuda bening cven ce ning int the little per foniri forir fon irs g vill ni ill be pleased to sell one monda monday ee evening ning jul 28 aj ass of j be chiropractor HENDERSON to wv y WHY SUFFER buffer office hours I 1 till tilt 5 and 7 till 8 S p ro in golden rule hotel irice price uta utah ip 1 11 i ra vv v i so ot some som e exceptional 0 ar azis i in used C cars ars mf ae 4 IS n 7 passenger studebaker passenger buick 1100 00 00 buick 1918 5 passenger Pasi enger 6 passenger buick 1918 5 passenger buick 1917 00 5 passenger ford 1914 5 passenger axwell Mix Mx well 1917 ys ALL IN SHAPE CAN BE BOUGHT ON TERMS TO SUIT ut utah a h T idaho motor co DIVISION 5 north ath st telephone ial PRICE UTAH contentment is a 1 I state of mind IMPE QUALES create it their full fl flavored satisfying blend is the secret they are a quality smoke 1 0 for the johm balaran Boll jian co branch Gaor georgette gette waist h I 1 all allfie ti uil and latest sty alif to DO finery PRICE PE as 8 GOLD OLD STORAGE COMPANY PURE artificial CRYSTAL ORYS ral ICE fram F RO M apon DENS E D LED WATER SPARKLING DISTILLED WATER quality AND SERVICE R V I 1 E lio children who are in lit the tile en ell to le be gien at the tile methodist chuilli next monday pil ng liate lia te becci working hard for several necks to give ive a it first class performance ind on u luus luin tiit tnt mis mw s it july 28 13 NV 8 8 |