Show RODEO SUCCESS GOOD WORK rodeo tl 11 i at tit the tho ball bail park tins this afternoon vui declared n loin aucless sin ess b attend ts ti and participants as thea e rune title up earl earh this leiling there bere it fen who iio complained of tile manner anner iii in lit which the races bere started but the majority were well uell satisfied there was some same excitement nitwit hen the frank randall u sorrel pon pond fell with ilabe ih bc r but ikebe pot got out from front and was va not injured bill lines was thonol thoN th own ll b a pre gre that was considered especially wicked and nd then a reservation rese ration rider bet lit 1 stick lie ile lasted wo jumps and alla a li hilf bif some other bucceri did lid some mean bork ork and cerbo bod 13 there ant pat spra sp rawlins alif clovd got its it moneys worth hie indians suit some one good stuff and made the races rales highly highl interesting ilic bull which mas un used ased haq as loaned by b airs aniell ardell alien allen of welling ton he ile vas ivas all lie is cracked up tip to be as r bi lit eker the wel lington bos are albo also ving of kredit for the bork ork them the did in assisting assis tins in it the rounds grounds good aock bork aas as handicapped b ba the spectators ins iii ting tin oil arondin cron din too close and nut giving the per for fornieri room to work ork the re vire not helped any b the bunch of that viewed tl e 0 proceedings from outside and the tile backers of the bis big day are losers from a it financial standpoint but none of them arc are matic ing any holler A three day lay rodeo late in the fall is non no planned and work on securing hores horses and riders as well is as rac ing stuff will bein begin at once |