Show WHAT CAN BE DONE if price business kuc what they were inere losing on acco account TW i im of the condition ondi tion of the road from the county seat to castle gate the would raise such a howl as would awaken somebody tins is the statement of a responsible man who ha tax heard cores scores of people between here and cameron declare that they would not run an auto anto from helper to price under any consideration just to come here over the awful road on oil a pic asure or shopping trip is entirely out of the qi question estion many who would bring their famil families ieti and patronize local refreshment r parlors 0 or the theatre or both stay at home rather than risk rink ruining their cars the s ato te road commission has been talking all summer of paving a ittia batu between cell the upper end of helper and the east end of price but nothing has been heard about it for weeks if the engineers are busy on oil the project the new ad 0 cate be glad to bf he able tr 0 inform its readers of the falt ji III the meantime there are hi hundred of people aho ho believe nothing is being done the meather bureau announces that slimmer summer will be begin pin on july 25 and arid that imay expect some u for chort lime time 1 airm irm mcarther a thanks we n aad 11 ll a relief from the tile cold of the tio months salt lake is 14 liamin ila li aMii iriv a it heated argument oer the refusal of jack dempse Is s to to 0 nl lou liim hiru to speak briefly probably probable jacks limit on oil the tile burcet corner in behalf of the salvation aran arne kearns ras sas that no one had ai all right to even suggest nuch a thing anth iti out consulting him kearn Kc kearns arn if dempsey ey spill any ally bad english he lie is going to get paid for it or ia reams kearns will wil 1 know th the e reason why protests are going up all over the country against the committed upon americans by the Blex mexican ican greasers and the great american govern government mo tit has IRS asked C to apologize remembering mem bering the aluerta flag si lutc the gr greasers Lasers will aill pio babi babiN tell wilson to go back to europe or some home place els no so man openly declare th it lie docs does not want to help ins his cita bet et if he lie is not actually working to he readily admits it remember that it is an nit unpardonable ein sin to live tit a lita tit to make a living out of it to edue ite our children in tit it to get thing ou possible can call out ot 01 it and put absolutely nochim into it |