Show THRIFT STAMP AGENTS IN industries ASKED the immediate appoint of a thrift agent in ill lep industrial and mercantile isaab lishin ent in lit etith ilear 1 I mole assistant bbate director of the nation il war savings cum coin laittre lait tee dispatched ten thousand letteri to employers ars tuesday ilic thrift agents should le be instructed ted teI to solicit tach employer and employed every week offer ing thrift andlar and war stamps for sale lie said in the installation ot oi thrift arents agents in lit industrial plants sir mr moyle said tint thrift and time more than repays the employer for tile tune lost by the agent it costs 75 71 to change employed emp loyes dc de jared mr moyle thrift tends to prevent employed emp loyes from drifting from front one place to another and materially decrease the total loss in tins this rei res react et ct lie said |