Show SPLENDID RECORD AT MUSIC the burgener musie music house ouse F non no open in the cast room of the Sil agni building just ba b the nena nc advocate is playing ha h ale ne of its t best re records n b 14 lion 11 iu II 11 ellair clia nian of 0 the riat ional republican een cen aral committie tte ille subject of the speech is dubics of american can citizenship and it should be aicard lj cc cv cione ione regardless of part affiliation it it is not essen biall a partisan speech but iq along broad american lines it va mas secured through tile efforts of or L A mcdee sn cretai of the LI libity lity kentrat ent ral com c and probes or and ira mrs burgents tr will be ile glad to pla it at an art time it is ig only we mic of hundred of splendid plen did records secured e I 1 b tile new liew music house hollie to bo be placed plad on oil their of if So noras nn nit instrument which agles a delightful tone toile to any make tl 41 record the bollello bol ocllo oello piano placer plan cr and several everal fr pin pia 1 44 4 4 ato also on display angwill and will be placed for visitors they call it an income tax but its au outgo tax att V jl |