Show HOW TO CONTROL PESTS IN CROPS by 0 1 I aadsen county agent due to the druhot dry hot bummer summer plant bents of oj tile farm farin and garden arc are more inore numerous than for everal reasons pant they lia have liae e already done consul erable damage to chopi and will ivill continue if means of control arc are not adopted in lit general crop pests arc are di vided into no distinct classes li namely aniel sucking and find biting in ill sects for tin till rea reason on special me 1 1 ins a arc re used to control them in III fighting biting insects a it ach poison must be used its s the poison i is ia A taken froni front the lie cu entitle of tl abc c plant or the itaf some of the tile most injurious biting kisech are grasshoppers cub cab balge worm arm worm vorin and wid in beats of this claes one can call easi ly detect the tile class of insect b the method of attack on oil the plant some of the most and effective effect iNe poisons arc are lead arse arsenath arsenate of lime little arsenate of zinc zine etc th latter atter to can ean be prepared by ly follow follo ing t the ie directions i on ill the a Arsena tc of and solution tan oan bi bl prepared b taking one level of the poison polson for each pint of water mix abor and appi mith sprayer if a piatr lr ii 14 not a it dust nina ma be ivied I 1 lans his is inada in I 1 lil mixing one pound 01 ol red lead arsenate with throe pounds ot air nir slacked lime or pondered pou dered lime linie this mixture inix ture is placed in lit a I 1 ar ag and dusted over oner the plants b ba shak ii jg the ing over them contact bononi are used for sucking insects 11 oil th tin must tome in lit contact ali the tile body of the tho erect in act to hit have e the de sired affect such insects as its lit ht squash bugs bugi and home soft bod nd insects insect an art among una this class chass Xi nicotine cotine sulp sulphate liate one tea spoonful to the gillon willon of water is effective A cheap die ip and effective reine remedy 13 can call be made by dis greiving d one cube of laun di soap in lit a quart of hot itter mid and sprain the plant spray in III tune dont vait 3 jour our 0 I 1 opi are ruined A cheap ind and effect effective ne poison for house flick flies can all be made at home b using one te spoonful of forni alin vuth of anater 1 and milk slight IN 1 place this in a i Bh sli alloA allow dish and put a thin slice of bread broad in ill it As evaporation goes on oil idd add more poison solution |