Show AHOT Y TOU MB 11 n BIEN HS wr miss armorel of scoff scofield lil N a a i it price the first of the eok eck J J IV and 0 nr whitmore ot of nephi N ht price visitors tots tois this me ioa looking g after some som of the of tin george WUL more estate IV 84 harold d leonard sprained his knee again o 0 sunday and will mill liae to hio hive it put in ft a plaster cast until it becomer firmly set it is 14 the same knee that lie so sen seri busl stra hiLd in basketball a couple of bears ago w 8 8 it D 1 dickinson Di Ainson is spending his vacation at montria a I 1 resorts anil and lookin over oner gitt littral ral conditions in that bbate IV r R Q S mr and mrs U 11 shrader of pa tire re visiting this tills m week eek at the t he home I 1 of mr and mrs an IV 1 avers NV h 8 undertaker I 1 E fiann his 1119 been spending pending oral da dus nith ill ins famil family in park cit it and in I 1 salt lake on oil business L I 1 eldredge Eldr edRe his it is gone golle to canon canoll cit ami ani inello for a 1 N isit with and to join mrs eldredge and ti ir d axt ijar NN s B 8 a adde tad t e george eore Christ ensul ad joarnt 1 I court here until august 15 it had acil expected tint thit there lie be sissi oll 1 III l tins N eek IN q miss N kate mile belle ilLIC of adle 1 ile mo alo aill arri c cirl next week cek to spend the tile remainder 0 of the sti stifinei minei anith mrs 11 II W cooper clarence robinett who ivilo ins 11 is teen been sever il months overseas in the hospital ho Vital servile c arrived in ill new york monday monda and vill ill soon be home boine W 8 S 8 th the orson 11 madsen Alad geli family has finally finall moved moed its household hoti effects from bistle dale date and is settled in its new home on south eighth street wag dan hall a tl d I 1 of firgo fargo N X D is expected in a few das to visit at the it E moss home he ile has recently been discharged from the army 1189 12 E r olsen of bait balt lake I 1 i nt tit the home of her fa fit ther henry irenr fiack N 8 4 the jeff grogan amid 0 U horton families have baie t gone anc to 0 cana on for a ten da out HK ing W 8 b cupid hue nas as arrestor arrest arre td in III S lit at lake tuesday on oil a charge of having liiv nip anc f INC pints of booze posse i on oil wjk 8 cashier Ci shier edwin of the carbon county bank went to bait salt liec last enning to spend the tho holiday bolida N at home 8 s spring gaii ia n eding fo join price in getting cotton water nater ni nl origins ori lins to frank no linsk maor macir of that city frank has bas been corking liard hard for several ecks to make inake lie arrangements and has bcd ass C S price vent to salt lake thin this inori inor uns imig to remove mrs pru f from rom st marks hospital to their hoine mrs P price rl ce recently I 1 A tier serious jow operation but lias has improved rapidly and ii i i all on oil tin MI to recover ass 11 sirs rs cheo llico asher slier of three forks mont visited the first ot oi the aeck eck eiith IH I ii stef mrs irs C S ilaryi 4 nud and sirs too joe wolf mid and their fattier she lett left tm 4 da evening for california here she expects to remain for about a antar ir in the tile hope of recovering her health NN 88 1 ij P F rams was in price a few dab agro o 0 on his ua to some u ot liis coal prop ertic lit tim county ife is ni ikin great reat headway ill the coal eoal princ prine na sa W G scott formerly connect cd ed mth nith tin tit first national bink b ink i p in the cit tins neek cek from bait salt like talking to a nain ber of local citizens W 13 S otto and T W lewis were doun froin from hiawatha sunday making some of the tile arrangements in connection with the big welcome home da Satt saturday irda W asa S 8 cepill gunderson Gund ersson is making rapid progress on the tile home he lie is building on north fifth street the walls and roof ire are and ranch of the inside awk ork is done w 8 13 italian consul F anselmo Ansel roo and dr do de hose rose of salt lake came doun in lit the car of the former fruity frida to visit isalt carbon county count friends f while in ill price made their headquarters at the 1 I 0 val hon lome ws A II 11 draper returned the first of the week from winter tors mrs N I 1 ra draper will return tile I 1 list of the tile u eck they 1 were ere c billed billed to the tile upper lipper camp b the sudden death of mrs draper s mother mis T J birmley Pir 8 a peter trim has been checked in ns as agent ot the rio grande at tins tills station he ile come conies irum irom 1 colorado mike klopenstine aiho vho had to RO go to salt lake for e ee e treatment 1 s not and a trip to philadelphia to consult specialists is probable pra bable |