Show ne no reserve district no 12 REPORT OF OP THE CONDITION OP TUB THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK at tit price in the state of utah at the close of business ou on june 30 1910 RESOURCES loan loans and discounts 38 5 a V U 8 boats bon Is deposited to secure circulation par value i 00 c V U S bond bonds and certificates of indebtedness pledged to secure postal savings deposits par value 00 00 aa a liberty loan bonds 30 3 41 4 and 4 per cent un pledged j o 0 nj i i e c liberty loan bonds 3 4 and 4 44 pt pr p r cent pledged to secure postal savings deposits 58 e securities other alian U 8 bonds not including stocks owned 8 stock stocks iother other than I 1 ederae reserve bank stock 94 8 block of I 1 ederae reserve bank 50 per cent of sub subscript scrip rip tion 00 10 b equity ill fix banking house 93 I 1 I 1 I 1 urn furniture iture and fixtures 08 06 12 lit artal at estate owned other than banking house 48 13 lawful reserve with I 1 ederae Ite reserve serve bank 33 15 cash in vault and not amounts duo due from national banks ia ba iw eo 60 anet 10 et amounts due from bank banks bankers ani ant trust corn coin I 1 branies ables othel than included in lit items 1314 13 14 or IS 15 73 IS 18 cheeka checks on other banks in the same savio city or town as T porting parting bank other than item 17 90 total of item items 14 15 10 17 and 18 23 10 19 ca Cecka ecka on a banks located outside of city or town ot of re to porting bank and other cash item items i 20 redemption Ked emption fund with U S 8 treasurer and dut from imm U S 8 treasurer o 0 j i 00 total 62 liabilities 24 4 capital Na stock paid in CO 00 25 fund argow 00 surplus M WM 1 1 w arill j 20 26 a undivided pi of its it b less current expense tx pense interest and taxes paid 00 05 30 circulating notes outstanding 00 34 certified check checks outstanding 35 cash cashiers ler Is cheeks checks on own bank outstanding 28 total of item items 32 33 34 and 9 48 36 individual deposits subject to cheek check 48 37 certificate certificates of deposit due in less tai 40 10 day days other ahrin for money borrowed sa total of demand deposit deposits other than bank deposits subject to reserve items itma 30 37 38 39 40 and 41 00 42 41 certificates of deposit other than tor for money borrowed 24 41 postal saving savings deposits 57 total of time deposits subject to reserve items 42 43 44 ano an 45 L 11 total state of litah utah county of carbon as 1 I 1 I 1 E whitmore cashier of the above named bank do solemnly wear sweat that it above statement ia Is true to the best beat of my knowledge and belief L E cashier ci erect attest J if whitmore If dusserre A W horsley oreley II director directors subscribe ribel 1 and sworn to before me this day of july 1910 1019 ALBERT BURNER botary notary public my ily n expires march 31 1 1922 |