Show livestock LIV LIVES ESrOCK LETTER 0 len jub jul 21 1 three important factors ent encerti ertI into prominence as a market tenter center for atol dg tile past NN eck kirst l arst the market for hos livi took A skyward shout shoot 2 2175 1175 per hundred as the prue price tor firsti liss i finished ani 11 mils ills se seolia olid the tile on din live stock doted its endorse nn lit unanimously ot the plan tor tin tile ogden fat stock sho ua to be 10 held in lit the m winter inter and arid pro aided the first 1000 toward the of tint thit tent tile 01 0 den packing g provision Io Pro vision ision corn com 1 pirn wn received ed u ard t rd tint thit no and equi equitable breight slit 4 for nu inc it and pitkin picking house pio products ducts to and arid LL ond all ner points had beai d b raili oid administration eacle ot oi these promises promise to have hase till important result on oil the market and on oil In livestock estock attain of the ain country countr I 1 lie price for hops is a fulfillment of predictions predict ioni mide b 1 livi k nien ho have told not to hall their stock lios but to ret get tella in lit sh sit ipe for the in irlich the jimh in lit price ha ba been bren gradual there is no present indication Lation of a it recession and arid uth demand for pork products consta konstanti lons tanti titi grav grou iny ing the indications are that the present price or even lusher higher will mill continue for some time 1 ahe I he coming of the ogden fat pat stock sho established along cd ed lines gila promise of additional information for tinnen as to prop r methods of fied ing ins and arid tittle little she behelp and arid hos ho and also as to quality of br ceding the third factor the neu truet rates gives the that ogden vil be able to bandli in I 1 irger qu entity tile bittle shepp sheep arid ho hogs hos s bicic tolore east givin 9 better mir marketing opportunity th the ea arc are all till natural results of og dells growth grouth as a livestock ind industry tenter enter |