Show PLEASANT VALLEY JIT LINE IN pour four orders dated all the tho way from jul bulj 14 to alonda monday bear iNi witness to the difficulties the public utilities commission of artith is having in trying to clear up the automobile stage line situation be between ticen colton Colt soldier sti dud and scofield because he lie ivas failing to gie the service demanded by the publia the certificate of louis granted march 17 lust hist wa wi hi had bad ill lit lauded in lit ins its ratite 11 7 inter quarters ind and clear cicar creek thare ere three applications for the operation of a stage be ocen the three othea toxins ton us of the trio of aepli anta the com cam mission found that J A sharp nas the best equipped to give service to the public and he lie will hac opportunity to operate the line applications of 0 cathlina and 1 I 11 II LI seibu met with delliah the truth is that th the ways of some hoine transgressors are pretty soft and probably the rea so son a lot of pf pious folks insist on believing in the old fashion fashio cd ol hell |