Show KELLY PROMOTED maj 1111 ohl 0 kall fonner former 1 y otate auditor and until recent iv connected with the auditing midi tins of tho th construction diviaio divi iio of the tinted states anil arm han hati 1 en made chief of dl 1 I viston vision of the tax depart in III lie the ti deril tr frasur asur tins information I 1 is agnen li 1 11 II C nelson traveling travel niR auditor for the construction division of the tile arin who 1 lia i been in lit salt lake on it 1 ii I visit isit of ten daas tin etli his fal fallins lils t 1 I liap liane alil sailed to inton mr nelson hill to to bucce d air kally as chief of traN traveling eling ot of tile con coll mt ruction tf aijo ni aar ar dr p pertinent irti nent I 1 this that I 1 will remain in ill washington for home time ir kall n promotion to lie the income tax department is a ine merited one oiw and shows the in lit which he lie ig held by ins livi superior officers offie ers |