Show THE JOHNSON restaurant we cater io to the tastes ot ol all our meals are all of high quality well cooked and served in the best manner meals at all hours MRS W S JOHNSON bring your shoe repairing to the FRANK ZID SHOE SHOP I work neatly AND Quick 4 lyDone a coalville Co alville utah A IET NAM E L S for the easy economical and durable finishing of your automobile use this coupon making your selection from the following colors detroit gray detroit green detroit red detroit yellow detroit cream detroit blue detroit white detroit black detroit vermillion DETROIT RED detroit auto finishing varnish WH 9 this coupon is worth I 1 cents on the purchase of one quart or more of rogers auto 0 FF enamel any color selected d name hc lei S h na of tt town addieg i not anedee ule after sept let 1921 A W FRANCIS morgan utah 0 PERRY HOTEL HO T EL SALT ALT LAKE the homelike home like place corner broadway and west temple st rates 1 and up stage leaves for coalville Co alville at p rn and coal ville for for salt lake at a m daily J CO C cohade Hare prop salt lake city the if he hotel IF manon ogden s new hotel hael comer twenty fifi street and lincoln aw ave one block from union station St altion can stop at door rooms 60 baths without bith bath wil bath and large sample rooms m i s DW president G B c andL and anable Manago ble parley draney assistant manager charter no cia reserve dist no 12 sprout OF O OF THE ME FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COALVILLE at conville co aville in ill tile the state of utah nt at the close of business on june 30 1021 1921 RESOURCES bans l anns and discounts including r re discounts T 04 total loaris loans secured none un secured U S government securities owned deposited to secure circulation U S bols par val 4 all other united state santes government securities total oo other bonds stock securities etc r banking house furniture and fixtures reserve with fed reserve bank vash ash lt ill vault and amount due from nat aks total of other items 5 redempa rede sap and with U S and due frow roba U S tre to total 32 capital stock paid in surplus fund 1 undivided erorita reserved for leiss iese current expenses interest and taxes paid circulating notes outstanding Cash Cashiers lers checks on own bank outstanding total of other items individual de deposits bosits subject to check ot of demand deposits deposit kotlier than bk depts 1 cert berc ot depo deposit isit other than tor for money borrowed OU other tle deposits ri total ot of ahne deposits subject to reserve balla payable with fed res bank total state of utah county ot of summit ss 1 I 11 T Carri carruth carrieth ath ashler ot of the do solemnly swear that the above lis the best ot of TAY my knowledge and teller bellef it II T CORRECT cornitt attest 1 ALFRED Br BLONQUIST ANQUIST cashier Cas faler DAVID REES i 1 1 BLONQUIST director if u t a 4 1 TW M j MAJ wt r k subscribed aid tand aborn beC oreme t uly 1921 J S notary public IN THE tinita DISTRICT COURT OF THIS I 1 STATE or OP UTAH COUNTY OF SUMMIT in the matter odthe of hie estate ot of william F Cro inar GOAL AND LIME LIE FOR SALE by y WILLARD DEXTER 1000 lbs IDS of coal delivered anywhere oliero ln lit elty city lif flitA for goihl fresh burnea z per bit bushel she cull call at fourth mile south of III link bank COAL COALVILLE ville UTAH W NOTARY PUBLIC MORGAN UTAH B 0 BS P L good things to eat quick service robert durrant proprietor letor morgan utah deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS will PI arps 0 hent nt C claims vi vouchers to the ill blew 1 l fer utah air or m before A D t w F I 1 ci ainu 1 dancil tune 1 isi published july 1st ast 1 1921 y 1 T GANYON CANYON POINTS TO sumit COUNTY A ab artrip for less than by rail two hours and a hit half and no fit chin changing of cars phone for reserva resen n b fon to stilt salt lake or clon fillie il hotel 0 acl adv NOTICE notice hereby Is glea given to nil all li holders of surplus stock ln in the Wa rock kock poet and I 1 range rane co to please turn urn shine same into secretary also bu bulls must not be turned out until the of june T EDGAR BEARD agent NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY has something brand new to present pre se tit in the way insurance of DR FRANK J REES MODERN MODEM DENTISTRY summit block joe on the cleanup clean up AM job everything in the PAINTING PAPER HANGING TiA NGING or KALSO MINING LINE we are at your service JOE OE SOMMERS COALVILLE HOTEL dinv inv Cen centrally cantrall trall y located one block from depot we serve the best of meals and appreciate your patronage B ELDREDGE proprietor save your you r eyesight come to us s and save your money DR L A DR D C im rz optometrists AND OPTICIANS globe optical co east second south walker bank bidding salt lake city southside South side store a good 0 7 clean up to date grocery store HERF 19 WU ET A BETTER COFI guaranteed TO PLEASE OR WONEY MONEY HE DED 3 MADE IT 0 BETTER south southside s side i d e store c 11 k gilbert gilbe rt francis proprietor 11 11 J ow lf |