Show OIL FIRE INJURES THIRTY SIX chicago explosion claims eight lives and property loss chicago eight men ore are lead dead thir ty six others are injured ten dusty that they may dl die and property damage Is estimated at as tile the result of mondays explosion in the standard oil company companas comp anys a refining plant at whiting ind two huge steel stills burst the brick walls them crumbled and a sheet of burning oil and gas spread pread tor for a radius of yards trapping the night force five F lye men were burned to death three died led later in chicago hospitals and the condition of ten others Is se most of 0 those injured were caught in the shower of flame but others were struck by the falling brick and steel walls wails ot of the stills excessive pressure or a tiny leak of gas were the two probable causes of tho the explosion advanced by those familiar with the operation of the stills which are filled ailed with crude ol lunder pressured pressure in the manufacture of gasoline had the explosion occurred half tin an hour later tile day force of forty nieu men would have been at work |