Show TOWN HAS PUREBREDS ONLY ohio township Is per cent on right side no grade or scrub sires to be found the township of jackson in hardin county ohio Is entirely free from grade an and d sc scrub rub sires in notifying the united states department of agriculture of t this h is f tact R ct prof john W of the ohio agricultural I 1 culter al extension service adds this Is the first township which lias ijas come to our attention that we feet feel satisfied Is per cent on en tho the right side eldo no sire was considered pur purebred eared unless it could be proved that its sire and dam were regi registered sterle d 1 the survey of alres included the principal classes 0 f live stock except poultry rind was mode made tor for advance credit by a student in the college of agriculture the survey showed that the township included farms arms on which were 21 purebred boars baars 20 purebred rams 0 0 purebred leet bulls 3 purebred dairy bulls and 2 purebred bred stallions no grade or scrub sires of way kind were found in the township |